Wednesday, December 30, 2020



👉🏻 Introduction:-

- There are six cleansing procedures advised by great yogis to purify the Internal body from impurities.

- Person having excess of Kapha and Meda should practice Shat karma.

• धौतिर्बस्तिस्तथा नेतिस्त्राटकम् नौलिकम् तथा।
कपालभातिश्चेतानि षट् कर्माणि प्रचक्षते।।

- Six karma are:-
1. Dhauti
2. Basti
3. Neti
4. Trataka
5. Nauli
6. Kapalabhati


- It means a series of cleansing techniques for digestive system.

- Types:-

a. Vamana Dhauti
b. Vastra Dhauti
c. Danda Dhauti
d. Varisara Dhauti
(Shankha prakshalana)

a. Vamana Dhauti:-

• Procedure:-

- Consume salty, lukewarm water till the stomach is full.
- Stand in bending posture.
- Press first 3 fingers at the bottom of tongue.
- Water will start coming out from stomach.
- Continue the process till almost all water comes out.

• Benefits:-

- Cleaning the stomach, removes gas, acidity and indigestion.
- It removes extra mucous from food pipe or esophagus.
- It helps to relieve asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.
- It cleans the digestive tract of any undigestial food lingering in stomach & oesophagus and prevent the formation of toxins.

b. Vastra Dhauti:-

• Procedure:-

- Take a soft, clean cotton cloth which is 7-8 m long and 7-8 cm wide.
- Soak the roll in the cloth in lukewarm salty water.
- Slowly swallow the cloth.
- Completely swallow the cloth with the last end in the hand outside the mouth.
- Perform Uddiyana and agnisara.
- Slowly pull the cloth outside the mouth.

c. Danda Dhauti:-

• Procedure:-

- Soft rubber tube is inserted through mouth, oesophagus in to the stomach.
- Stand in bending posture.
- Water will come out from stomach through the tube by Siphon.
- Continue the process till almost all water comes out.

• Benefits of Danda Dhauti and Vastra Dhauti:-

- It removes impurities from intestinal tract, thereby detoxifying the stomach and esophagus.
- It helps to remove gas, acidity, indigestion and enlargement of spleen.
- It helps to relieve asthma, bronchitis, cough and other Kapha related problems.

d. Varisara Dhauti:-

• Procedure:-

- Warer is filled in the mouth up to the throat.
- This is drunk slowly
- Then moves to stomach.
- It should be expelled through rectum.

• Benefits:-

- It cleans the body
- By practicing it carefully, one gets shining body.

2. BASTI:-

- It means washing and toning the Latge intestine. In modern called as enema.

- Types:-

a. Jala Basti
b. Sthala Basti or Shushka Basti.

a. Jala Basti:-

• Procedure:-

- Rubber catheter is inserted in anal canal.
- Water is sucked in through the anus through catheter by doing Uddiyana.
- It cleans the Anus and rectum.

b. Shushka Basti:-

• Procedure:-

- Same as Jala Basti but with Air.

• Benefits of Basti:-

- It relieves gas formation in large intestine.
- Common practice for detoxification of body.
- It removes impurities from Large intestine and cleans the colon.
- It helps those who go in long fasts.

• Contraindications:-

- High blood person, hernia or any serious digestive ailments.
- Dysentery patients

3. NETI:-

- A process of cleaning and purifying the nasal passages.

- Types:-

a. Jala Neti
b. Sutra Neti

a. Jala Neti:-

• Procedure:-

- Stand with some distance between your feet.
- Bend your spine 60° angle and neck tilted on right.
- Now put spout of Jala neti pot into your nostril and keep your mouth open so that the water passes easily through your Right to left nostril.
- If you tilted your head too much or try to breadth from your nose, then water enters your throat instead of going to left nostril.
- But it will not cause you any harm.
- Now repeat the same process with the neck tilted to left side.

• Benefits:-

- It helps to get rid of all the bacteria and dirt that been trapped by mucus within nose.
- It helps to relieve asthma, bronchitis, infection, excess heat within the body, migraines, hysteria, mental tension, hypertension and depression.
- Certain eye disorders i.e. Tinitis, middle ear infections and glue ear.
- It helps to alleviate upper respiratory complaints which includes post nasal drip, inflammation of tonsils, sore throats and cough.

• Contraindications:-

- Nose bleeding and difficulty passing water through nose may indicate structural blockage.

b. Sutra Neti:-

• Procedure:-

- Carefully insert the sutra into one nostrils and gently push it through nasal passage until it reaches back of the throat.
- Reach far back into throat with the first two fingers, using fingers as a pincers to hold the sutra.
- The sutra is grasped between the first two fingers and drawn out of mouth but still leaving some sutra outside the nose.
- Hold each end of Sutra and then gently floss back and forth a few times.
- Rinse off the sutra and perform the same on the opposite nostril.

• Benefits:-

- It helps to maintain nasal hygiene by removing dirt and bacteria.
- It de-senitizes the sensitive tissue inside the nose which alleviate rhinitis, allergies and some types of asthama.
- Sinusitis, migraine, headaches can be reduced.

• Contraindications:-

- Enlargement of adenoids and tonsils
- Nasal bleeding and high blood pressure
- Inflammation of nasal septum, nasal polyps, congestion of nasal mucosa.

4. NAULI:-

- It means massaging and strengthening the abdominal organs.

- Types:-

a. Madhya Nauli
b. Dakshina Nauli
c. Vama Nauli

a. Vama Nauli:-

- When rectus abdominal muscle is isolated to the left, it is called as Vama Nauli.

b. Dakshina Nauli:-

- When rectus abdominal muscle is isolated to the right side it is called Dakshina Nauli.

c. Madhya Nauli:-

- When both right and left muscle are concentrated to the center it is called Madhya Nauli.

- Nauli must be learned in presence of yoga instructor.
- Best time to do the practice is early morning when stomach ans the bowels are empty.
- After heavy meal one should wait for atleast 5-6 hours before attempting this practice
- Over do may cause indigestion and loose motions.

• Benefits:-

- Improvement of venous outflow.
- Stimulation of large intestine and peripheral blood circulation.
- Strengthening of respiratory muscles.
- Lowering arterial pressure
- Stimulation of Endocrine system and bile expelling effect
- Improvement of blood circulation in pelvic organs

• Contraindications:-

- Hernia
- Pregnancy
- Hypertension
- Heart disease
- Ulcers
- GI ailments
- Pain when or after practicing.


- Intense gazing at one point or object to develop power of concentration.

- Types:-

a. Bahiranga
b. Antaranga

- Bahiranga is easier to practice because one simply has to gaze at one object or symbol.

- Antaranga involves clear and stable inner visualisation of an object.

• Procedure:-

- Place a candle at eye level
- Gaze steadily at candle frame till tears start coming out from eye.
- To close eyes, observing light spot without allowing its movement and bifurcating.
- To cover eyeballs by warm palms, strengthening brightness of light spot.
- Gaze at the after-image of flame in space in front of closed eyes before its disappearance.
- To repeat 2-3 times.

• Benefits:-

- Purifies the eyes
- Strengthens the eye muscles.
- Improves vision and memory
- Improves willpower
- Develops intuition

• Contraindications:-

- Psychic problems
- Schizophrenia or hallucinations


- It means breathing technique for purifying the respiratory tract.

• Procedure:-

- Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs.
- Keep the spine straight and close the eyes
- Keep the right palm on right knee and left palm on left knee.
- Exhale out completely
- Take a deep breadth
- Do active inhalation. Exhale will all force so your stomach will go deep inside.
- Do not stress on inhaling
- Should not practice very fast.

• Benefits:-

- Improves the function of Lungs, respiratory and reproductive system. 
- Cures erectile dysfunction naturally
- Improves the function of pancreas and kidney
- Calms the mind and brings stability
- Very effective in weight loss
- Cures constipation, acidity, diabetes, asthma, lower down high creatinine level
- It removes toxins from body.

• Contraindications:-

- Artificial pacemaker
- Backache due to slip disc
- Abdominal surgery
- Epilepsy or hernia
- Hypertension and heart problems
- During and shortly after pregnancy
- Stent is inserted.

Saturday, December 26, 2020




👉🏻 Introduction:-

- It is one among the Astika Darshana, propounded by Maharshi Kanada, is also known as Aulukya Darshana, Samana Tantra, Samana

Nyaya, Kalpa Nyaya.

- He highlighted the description of "Vishesha" of Shat Padartha (Six positive substances) hence named as "Vaisheshika Darshana".

- He used to collect and eat Āhāra-kana (food particles), hence named as "Kanada".

- He used to beg at nights like an owl and also blessed by the Lord Shiva in the form of owl, hence it is named as" Aulukya Darshana".

👉🏻 Chapters and Sutras:-

• It contains 370 sutras in 10 chapters they are as follows:-

- 1st Chapter about Dravya, Guna, Karma and Samavaya

- 2nd & 3rd Chapter about Nava d-avya

- 4th Chapter about Paramanu Vada

- 5th Chapter about Karma

- 6th Chapter about Veda-pramanya, Dharma, Adharma

- 7th & 8th Chapter about Guna

- 9th Chapter about Abhava

- 10th Chapter about Sukha, Duhkha, Trividha Karana.

👉🏻 Description:-

- He explained Shat bhava padartha, they are Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Vishesha & Samavaya. (The commentators added Abhava as 7th Padartha?). Dravya, Guna & Karma are known as Ashraya and Samanya,Visesha & Samavaya are Ashrayi.

- Prashastapada wrote Bhashya on Vaisheshika Darshana, it is known as Padartha-Dharma-Sangraha.

- Described Nava Karana Dravya, the basic elements to cause the creation, they are Pancha mahabhuta, Atma, Manas, Kala and Dik.

- Described Triguna, the Sattva, Rajas and Tamas,

Believed the theory of Arambhawada.

- He explained in detail the theory of Paramanuvada (Pilupakavada) by which the structural and functional units of body can be assessed.


1. Minute invisible part is Paramanu

2. Paramanu form Dwyanuka

3. Dwyanuka form Trasarenu and so on

- Explained and accepted 2 Pramana;-

1) Pratyaksha (perception) 

2) Anumana (inference)

- Shabda and Upamana Pramana considered under Anjumana Pramana only.

- Moksha is termed as Nihshreyas

- Atma is considered as Nitya, Aneka and Manas as Anu.

- For the Karya or creation, the Paramanu are Samavayi Karana, it's Guna and Karma are Asamavayi Karana, Adrishta is Nimitta Karana and

Dharma-Adharma are Sadharan Karana.

👉🏻 Moksha-Prapti:-

- A Person has to finish his Karma-phala even by taking rebirth then only he will attain salvation or moksha.

- 5 types of Karma are explained, they are:-

1) Utkshepana (elevation or abduction)

2) Apakshepan (depression or adduction)

3) Akunchan (flexion)

4) Prasaran (extention)

5) Gamana (locomotion)

- He says that Mithya-jnana, Raga-dwesha (occur due to Dharma-Adharma) leads to Duhkha and Tattwa-jnana removes the Duhkha (different miseries)

- He explained 17+7=24 Gunas (17 original and 7 added by commentators) known as Vaisheshika Guna.

👉🏻 Description of Vaisheshika Gunas (24):-

1) Rupa:-

- Received by Chakshurindriya, 7 types, they are:- Shukla-Nila-Rakta-Pita-Harita-Kapila-Chitra

2) Rasa:-

- Received by Rasanendriya, 6 types, they are:-


3) Gandha:-

- Received by Ghranendriya, 2 types, they are:-

Surabhi and Asurathi.

4) Sparsha:-

- Received by Sparshanendriya, 2 types, they are:-

Sheeta and Ushna.

5) Shabda:-

- Received by Shrotrendriya, 2 types, they are:- 

Dwanyatmaka and Varnyatmaka.

6) Sankhya:-

- Calculations, its starts from one to many.

7) Parimana:-

- Measurements, 4 types, they are -:- Anu, Mahat, Hraswa and Dirgha.

8) Prithaktwa:-

- Distinguishing factcr, 2 types, they are:-

Eka vritti and Eneka vritti.

9) Samyoga:-

- Combinations, 2 types, they are:- Karmaja and Samyogaja.

10) Vibhaga:-

- Seperation of combination, 2 types, the are:- Karmaja and Samyogaja.

11) Paratwa:-

- Pradhanatwam, 2 types:- Dik-krita and Kala-krita.

12) Aparatwa:-

- Apradhanatwam (Lass important in many)

13) Guru:-

- Heaviness or Bulkiress due to Prithvi and Jala predominance.

14) Drava:-

- Liquidity, 2 types, Sausiddhika (Water) and Naimittika (Ghee-Rajata-Swarna).

15) Sneha:- 

- Oleusness, present is Ghrita, Taila, Vasa, Majja etc.

16) Buddhi:-

- Means Jnana, 2 types, Smriti and Anubhava.

17) Sukha:-

- 'Anukula-vedaniyanı sukham', means the comfortess.

18) Dukha:-

- 'Pratikūla-vedaniyam duhkham', means discomfortness.

19) Iccha:-

- Wish or desire, 2 types, Phala-vyapini and Phalasadhakvyapini.

20) Dwesha:-

- Rejecting or disliking angrily or jealously, 2 types:-

Dukha-upaya-vishayaka and Tat-sadhana-vishayaka.

21) Prayatna:-

- An attmpt to do, 3 types:- Pravritti, Nivritti and Jivanyon.

22) Dharma:-

-  Performing Veda-vihita Karma to attain Swarga.

23) Adharma:-

- Performing Veda-nishiddha karma leads to atttain


24) Samskara:-

-  It is peculiar quality of things which potentiates the quality of other things, 3 types, Vega, Bhavan and Sthitstapakata.

👉🏻 Summary of the Principles of Vaisheshika Darshana:-

- Type:- Astika

- Puraka Darshana:- Nyaya Darshana

- Karta:- Maharshi Kanada

- Main text:- Vaisheshika Sutra

- Chapters:- 10

- Sutras:- 370

- Padharthas:- 6 Padarthas (Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, Vishesha & Samavaya)

- Pramanas:- Pratyaksha & Anumana

- Siddhanta & Vada:- Paramanu-vada, Pilupaka-vada & Arambha-vada

- Commentator:- Prashasta pada

- Importance given to:- Shat Padartha varnana

- Prayojana:- Moksha-prapti

👉🏻 Similarities of Vaisheshika Darshana and Ayurveda:-

• There is a major contribution of Vaisheshika Darshan to Ayurveda:-

- Vishesha Tattva have a great role in Ayurveda, it is implemented to reduce the aggravated factors by selecting the opposite principles.

- Accepted Shat Padartha but the sequence is Samanya, Visesha, Guna, Dravya, Karma and Samavaya.

- In the cause of creation there is similarity, both believe that the creation is created from Mula Prakriti or Avyakta and controlled by Parabrahma

- Paramanu-vada of Vaisheshika helped Ayurved to distinguish the objects or drugs like in Ahara-parinama, Dhatu-parinama etc.

- Both accepted the theory of Nava Karana dravyas

- Among Vaisheshika 24 gunas Ayurveda accepted only 22 guna (except Dharma-Adharma)

- Similarity in the theory of Nityatwa of Atma and Anutwa of Manas

- Both accepted the theory of Pancha-vidha Karma.

- Both accepted theories of Duḥkha-karana, Tattwa-jnana, Karmaphala, Punarjanma and Moksha

- Both accepted the Pilupaka-vada.

• Note : : 90% of both the theories are similar

👉🏻 Dissimilarities:-

- Commentators accepted Abhava as 7th padartha according to vaisheshika, but ayurveda not accepted abhava as a padartha.

- In vaisheshika there is Atma Anekatwa while ayurveda not accepted it.

- Vaisheshika explained 24 gunas while ayurveda explained 41.

-  Sequence of Padartha is  Samanya, Dravya, Guna, Karma, Samanya, vishesha and samavaya according to vaisheshika, while in ayurveda sequence is  Samanya, Vishesha, Guna,  Dravya, Karma, samavaya.

- Vaisheshika explained only 2 pramanas while ayurveda explaining 4 pramanas.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Hima Kalpanā(Cold Infusion):-

 👉🏻 *Introduction:-* 

Hima kalpanā is a liquid preparation where the selected : drugs in coarse

powder form are soaked in water for a stipulated period to facilitate the

transfer of water-soluble active principles from drug to the liquid media.

These preparations usually possess 'sītavirya' and 'mrduguna'. Here,

the drugs with 'madhura and amla rasa' and the drugs with 'volatile

principles' are preferred.

These preparations in general mitigate pitta dosa (pitta sämaka), cardio-tonic (hrdya) and satisfying (sadyah santarpaka).

👉🏻 *Hima- definition:* 

One part of drug in coarse powder form is soaked over night in 6 parts of

soft and clean water.

Next day macerated the mixture well with clean hands and filter

through a clean cotton cloth.

The filtrate obtained is taken as the 'hima'.

क्षुणं द्रव्यपलं सम्यक् षड्भिरिपलैः प्लुतम् । निशोषितं हिमः स स्यात् तथा शीतकषायकः॥

👉🏻   *Hima- precautions:* 

1. For 'hima' preparation, take the drugs in coarse powder (yavakūta

cürna) form;

2. Use soft water for soaking the drugs:

3. Carry out sufficient maceration of the soaked drug;

4. Use chemically inert vessel for soaking the drugs,

5. These 'hima' preparation is for instant use only.

👉🏻 *Hima-Dose and adjuvant:* 

तन्मानं फाण्टवज्ज्ञेयं सर्वत्रैवैष निश्चयः।

(Two pala 196 ml) is the general dosage of 'hima kalpana. These

preparations are administered along with 'sugar' or any other suitable fine

powder of medicinal drug/drugs'.

👉🏻   *Examples* :-

1. Dhanyaka hima

2. Dhanyakadi hima

3. Särivadi hima

1. Dhanyaka hima:

One part of roughly pounded dhanyaka' is taken in a clean stainless

steel vessel.

The vessel is added with 6 parts of soft and clean water and kept

undisturbed overnight in a safe place with a lid covering the vessel.

Next day the drug mixture in the vessel is macerated well with clean hands and 

filtered through a clean cloth. This liquid filtrate is called as

'Dhanyaka hima'.

It is administered in the dcsage of 2 pala  (96ml) along with sugar or any

other suitable adjuvant to cure antar-dana' burning sensation in the body)

and trsnā (thirst).

This preparation is also a good'sroto-visodhaka' 

(cleanses the body


2. Dhānyakädi hima:

Roughly pounded 1. Amalaki 2. Dhanyaka 3. Vasa mula 4. Drāksa and

5. Parpata; are taken one part each in a clean stainless steel vessel.

The vessel is added with 30 parts 16 times of total drug quantity) of soft and clean water. It is kept undisturbed overnight in a safe place with a lid over the vessel.

Next day the drug mixture in the vessel is macerated well with clean hands and filtered through a clean cloth. This liquid filtrate is called as'dhanyakadi hima'.

It is administered in the dosage of 2 pala (96 ml) along with 'sugar' or

any other suitable adjuvant to cure 'raktapitta', 'jwara' (fever), dāha'

(burning sensation in the body), 'trsnā' (thirst) and 'soșa' (mukha-sosa;

dryness in the mouth).

3. Sarvadi hima:

(Siddhayoga Sangraha; Kusthächikara 21/5th preparation)

Roughly pounded 1. Särivä 2. Ušabā (Smilax amata) 3. Copacini

(Smilax china) 4.Manjistha 5. Gudüci 6. Dhamāsā (ragonia arabicaj 7.Raktacandana 8. Gulavanaphsä (vicla odoreta) 9. USīra 10. Mundi 11.Sahatarā (Fumeria indica) 

12. Kamalapuspa 13. Gulābapuspa 14. Drora-

puspi 15.Padma-kapuspa 

16. Sankhapuşpa; are taken one part each in a clean stainless steel vessel.

The vessel is added with 96 parts (6 times of total drug quanti.y) of soft and clean water. It is kept undisturbed overnight in a safe place with a lid over the vessel.

Next day the drug mixture in the vessel is macerated well with clean hands and filtered through a clean cloth. This liquid filtrate is called as

'dhānyakādi hima'.

It is administered in the dosage of 2 pala (96 ml) along with 'sugar',

"honey' or any other suitable adjuvant. It is found useful in 'raktavikara',

'kandu', 'pāmā', 'hastapāda dāha', amlapitta' and 'jīrnajwara'.

Monday, December 21, 2020




👉🏻Basonym of Drug :

- Completely cures ailments.

👉🏻Synonyms :

- Krutmal:- When floweringa the tree looks adorned with garlands .

- Dhirghaphala Fruit are long.

- Rajavruksha:- Regarded as king of tree oving to its beauty .

- Pragraha:- Liked by people as it is beautiful .

- Aamha:- Relieves ama .

- Aarevata:- Expels mala from the body .

- Jwarantaka:- Relieves from fever .

- Vyadhighata :- Useful in many diseases .

👉🏻 Regional Name:

English: Purging casia

Hindi: Amaltas

Guarati: Garmalo

Kannada: Kakki kayi

Malayalam: Konna

Marathi: Bawa

👉🏻 Botanical Name: Cassia fistula

👉🏻 Family: Caesalpinaceae

👉🏻 Classification Of Dravya:

Charaka – Kusthaghna , Kandughna

Sushruta – Aragwadhdi gana , Shyamadii gana 

Bhavaprakash Nighantu – Haritakyadi varga 

👉🏻Kula : Puti karanja kula

👉🏻 Habitat :Gros all over India and as it is a beautiful plant it iscultivated in gardens .

👉🏻External Morphology:


1. Root : Tap root 

2. Leaf :

a. Type: Compound 

b. Phyllotaxy: Altarnate

c. Shape: Oblong with polvinus at base 

d. Tip: Acut 

e. Margin: Entire 

f. Surface: Glabrous 

3. Inflorescence: Long axillary pendulous racemes 

4. Flower : Complete , bisexual , yellow colour with long pedicals 

a. Calyx :5

b. Corolla :5

c. Androecium :10

d. Gynoecium : Monocarpellary 

e. Ovary :Superior 

5. Fruit : Legume 

6. Seed :Flat Embedded 

👉🏻Types :

According to Dhan. Ni. & Ra. Ni. – 

1. Aragwadha , 2.Karnikara  

👉🏻Useful Parts : Fruit 

👉🏻Important Phytoconstituents :

- Pod pulp – Anthraquinone , Sucrose , Lingnoceric acid , Amino acids.

- Root bark – Anthraquinone , Derivates , Sennoside A & B , Fistucacidin , 

- Stem bark & leaves – Rhein glycoside  

👉🏻 Rasa Panchaka :

Rasa :Madhura , Tikta , Kasaya (for flower)

Guna : Guru , snigdha / Laghu , Sara from Karnikara

Virya : Sita , Usna

Vipaka : Madhura 

Dosha karma : Vata Pitta samaka & Ptta Kapha samsodhaka

👉🏻Karma : 

- Phala – Sramasana , Sulahara , Rucya , Kostha suddhikara , Krimighna , Pramehaghna , Jwaraghna 

- Leaf – Meda visosaka , Virecaka 

- Flower - Grahi

Phala majja is best Sramsaka.

👉🏻Prayogartha Vyadhi [Therapeutic Indications] : 

- Phala – Jwara , Hrdroga ,Raktapitta , Udavarta , Kustha krimi prameha ,Mutrakrchra , Gulma

- Leaf - Medoroga

👉🏻Amayika Prayoga [Therapeutic Administration] :

1. Prameha:- Aragwadha kasaya is best for haridra meha 

2. Kustha:- Triturate leaves of Aragwadha and Kakamahi with buttermilk the paste thus obtained is applied over skin lesions.

3. Amavata:- Leaves of Aragwadha are fried with mustard oil . These leaves are chewed after evening meal .

4. Visarpa:- Paste of Aragwadha leaves and Slesmataka bark is mixed with ghee and applied in all types of Visarpa .

👉🏻 Matra [Dose] : 

- Bija curna – 3-6g

- Mula twak kwatha – 10-15ml

- Puspa swarasa – 05-10 ml

- Phala majja – 10-20g

👉🏻Vishishta Yoga [Name Of Important Formulation] :

- Aragwadhadyarista 

- Aragwadhadi avleha 

- Aragwadha ghrta 

- Aragwadha kasaya 

- Aragwadhadi taila 

- Mahamanistadi kwatha .

Thursday, December 17, 2020



👉🏻 Etymology:-

- The Sanskrit word "Parpati" denotes a thin flake like preparation.

- "Parpati" indicates a preparation which is thin, brittle and has a shape of thin Paapad.

👉🏻 Synonyms:-

- Parpat (Paapad like)

- Parpati (Thin flake)

- Parpatika (thin and brittle flake)

- Pota bandha (Adhesions or to give support)

👉🏻 Definition:-

दृतकज्जलिका मोचापत्रके चिपितिकृता।

स पोट: पर्पटी सैव बालाध्यखिलरोगानुत।।  (रस-११.७२)

- Molten kajjali is made into a thin flake by pressing on banana leaf named as Parpati which indicates its shape.

- It is useful in diseased conditions of all the age groups viz Baala etc.

👉🏻 Types:-

1. Sagandha:-

- Rasa Parpati

- Tamra parpati

- Loha parpati

- Vyoma parpati

2. Nirgandha:-

- Kshara parpati

- Malla parpati

- Somala parpati

👉🏻 Equipments:-

1. Khalva Yantra:-

- for preapering kajjali

- for converting parpati into powder form

2. Loha Darvi:-

- for melting kajjali (iron is a good conductor of heat)

3. Spoon / Spatula:-

- for continuous stirring of material during heating

4. Heating Device:-

- for heating

- It changes properties from Gurutwa to Laghutwa

5. Gomaya:-

- for giving proper shape and pressure

6. Patra (Kadali Patra):-

- for smearing the parpati on it.

7. Samatala Pidhaanaka:-

- for giving proper shape and pressure (made from Gomaya and Kadali Patra)

8. Sneha:-

- to prevent material sticking to vessel

- to stop loss of material while heating

9. Ushnodaka:-

- To wash the prepared parpati

👉🏻 General Procedure:-

1. Kajjali is prepared

2. Dhatu Bhasma or Ratna-aadi pishti added to kajjali

3. Taken into ghrita smeared Loha darvi

4. Heated on mild fire

5. Heated upto melting of ingredients

6. Melted ingredients is poured on ghrita smeared banana leaf(which is put on platform of gomaya)

7. Immensely pressed with another banana leaf(along with gomaya)

8. Parpati is created due to pressure

9. Washed with hot water and powdered and stored.

👉🏻 Parpati Paaka:-

1. Mrudu paka:-

- Colour of molten kajjali is mayura chandrika varna

- Does not break properly

- Not used for medicinal purpose

2. Madhyama paka:-

- Colour of molten kajjali is shiny black

- Break with crackling sound

- Used for medicinal purpose

- Have proper chemical bonding

3. Khara paka:-

- Parpati becomes with reddish colour

- Dry and coarse in nature

- Poisonous

- Not used for medicinal purpose

👉🏻 Parpati Prayoga:-

1. Samanya:-

- given in dose of 1-2 ratti (125-250 mg) 

- with anupaana of fried jiraka, hingu etc

2. Vishesha:-

- 2 ratti (250 mg) dose initially and increased by 1 ratti per day upto max. 10 to 12 ratti (2.5 to 3 gram)


- dose is maintained till disease is cured and then gradually dose is decreased

- Pathya : godugdha, takra, fruit juice

- Apathya: anna, jala, lavana

👉🏻 Anupaana:-

- Madhu

- Bharjita Jeeraka

- Ksheera

- Sita

- Ghrita

- Dadima Swarasa

- Takra

👉🏻 Aamayika Prayoga:-

- Grahani

- Shotha

- Atisaara 

- Arsha

- Jalodara

- Kushtha

- Gulma

- Pandu

Monday, December 14, 2020

🔘 Food Hygiene


■ *Some Definitions* 

– Hygiene
– Food Hygiene
– Food Spoilage
– Food Contamination
– Food borne diseases (Food poisoning).

■ Types and Characteristics of Microorganisms that affect food.

 👉🏻  *Food Hygiene* 

■ Hygiene : Conditions and practices that help to 
maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases.

■ Food Hygiene:

 Conditions and measures necessary to 
ensure safety of food from production to consumption.

■ Lack of adequate food hygiene = Food borne diseases even death.

– Food can become contaminated at any point during 
slaughtering, harvesting, processing, storage, 
distribution, transportation, and preparation.

 👉🏻    *Food Spoilage* 

■ Definition: Changes in food through physical, chemical 
enzyme deterioration or micro-organism growth, that 
lead to the food becoming damaged, inedible or unsafe 
if eaten.

■ The food has visible signs of deterioration which makes 
it appear unpalatable or unpleasant.

■ The rate of deterioration depends on a variety of factors.

■ Contaminants may be already present in the food e.g. 
salmonella in chicken or transferred to the food by 
humans, flies, rodents and other pests.

👉🏻  *Food Spoilage* 

■ Deterioration in quality may be due to:

– Poor Storage Conditions, 
e.g incorrect temperature 
and/or humidity conditions which accelerates the 
ripening process as a result of enzymes.

– Damage or bruising of food which exposes surfaces 
to oxygen again accelerating the ripening.

– Action of microbes : Bacteria, moulds or yeast.

👉🏻  *Food Contamination* 

■ Definition: Introduction or presence of any substance or 
agent that might render food unsafe or unsuitable for 
human consumption.

■ Food contaminated with heavy metals or with naturally 
occurring toxins can also cause long chronic health 
problems including cancer and neurological disorders.

👉🏻  *Hazards that can contaminate food* 

■ Food can be contaminated by the following three main hazard types:

– Physical contaminants (foreign objects): Metal, wood, glass, …etc.

– Chemical contaminants : Bleach, detergents, pesticides,…etc.

– Biological contaminants: e.g. Parasites (tape-worm), toxic 
mushrooms, or leaves, etc.

– Microbiological contaminants: Bacteria, viruses, moulds and 

■ The contaminated food does not show signs of contamination and 
looks and tastes and smells fine. It can cause serious illness or death.

👉🏻 *Food Poisoning* 

■ Also called Food borne disease and Food borne illness.

■ Definition: Illness caused by eating or drinking a 
contaminated food or beverage.

■ Food borne disease outbreak occurs when two or more 
people get the same illness from the same contaminated 
food or drink.

👉🏻 What harm does Food poisoning 
■ Human Suffering

■ Medical expenses

■ Work absenteeism

■ Productivity loss

■ Permanent disability

■ Death

👉🏻 *Bacterial food poisoning* 

■ Most common food poisoning is bacterial food poisoning.

■ Micro-organisms can occur naturally in the environment or 
cereals, vegetables, fruits, animals, people, water, air, soil.

■ Most bacteria are harmless but a small number can cause 

■ Antimicrobial resistance is a growing global health concern. 
Overuse and misuse of antimicrobials in agriculture and animal 
farms, in addition to human clinical uses, is one of the factors 
leading to the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance.

👉🏻  *Symptoms of Bacterial Food Poisoning* 

■ Bacterial Food poisoning can be mild, moderate or severe.

■ The symptoms will be different depending on what type of 
bacteria is responsible.

■ Common symptoms include:

– Nausea and Vomiting
– Diarrhoea
– Abdominal Pain
– Tiredness and fatigue
– Headache
– Fever
– Death in severe cases.
Bacterial food poisoning occurs when pathogen (micro-organism) 
or its toxin is consumed.

■ Mainly 2 types:

– Food intoxication
– Food borne infection

■ Food intoxication.

■ Illness resulting from consumption of exotoxin produced by 
organisms growing in food product.

■ When food is ingested, it is the toxin responsible for disease not 
the organism.

👉🏻   *Common FOOD INTOXICATION are:* 
■ Staphylococcus aureus
■ Clostridium botulinum
■ Clostridium perfringens
■ Bacillus cereus

👉🏻  *Food-Borne Diseases (Micro-organism 

■ Requires consumption of living organism.

■ Symptoms do not appear for at least 12 hours after ingestion.

■ Thorough cooking of food before consumption will kill organism.

■ Caused by:
– Salmonella
– Campylobacter
– Escherichia coli (E.coli)
– Listeria Monocytogenes (LM).

Friday, December 11, 2020

🔘 Pumsamvana Karma


👉🏻 Defination :- 

• पुंसवनमिति पुंस्त्वकारकं कर्म। (च.सं.शा. 8/19, चक्र.टी.)

- The process to be adopted for achieve progeny of desire sex is known as 'pumsavana vidhi '.

👉🏻 Time for the process :- 

- Acc. To charaka , it should be done before the fetal sex is vyakta form , keeping in mind the desha , kala etc …then the result would be positively favorable.
- Otherwise it may be just the opposite .
- Hence , Pumsamvana should be started when there is possibility of pregnancy ( i.e. before conception ) .

👉🏻 Importance of Pushya nakshtra :- 

- In astrology total 27 nakshtra are present . Among them 14 are purusha nakshtra & 13 are stree nakshtra .
- Among 14 purusha nakshtra like pushya , seavana etc.. the pushya is considered as the best in terms of auspiciousness , precreation & multiplication .
In case the process is not possible in pushya nakshtra , any other purusha nakshtra can be choose , because pushya only to increase the rate of success . 

👉🏻 Pumsamvana vidhi :-(Acc. To Charaka )

- Two intact undamaged vata-sunga plucked from Eastern or northern branches grown in a cowshed along two seeds of dhanya Misha & gaura sarshapa is taken with curd during pushya nakshtra 

- Kalka of jivaja , rushbhaka , alamarga , sahachara etc…coked with milk & taken.

- Kudyakita ( an insect ) & fish , mixed with one Anjali water is taken during pushya nakshtra .

- A red hot man shaped structure made of gold , silver or iron dipped in one Anjali of curd milk or water is taken during pushya nakshtra .

- Inhalation of steam of shali pishti during pushya nakshtra . The from some dough is instilled in her right nostril with her head on door side .

- Nasal drops with lakshmana , vata-sunga , sahadeva & vishwadeva ground with cow's milk & should not spit .

- Fully bloomed lakshmana plant is uprooted during pushyayoga on Saturday evening enchanting mantras , on some other day , after sunset during hastamula or pushya nakshtra the khadira should be dug enchanting mantras in ¼  quantity of lakshmana .Both these should be pestled with milk of cow having calf of similar color , and a few drops of it should be installed in right nostril .

- Swarasa of Sweta bruhati Mula unrooted during pushya nakshtra is installed in right nostril & similarly left nostril , leaves of the uttpala & kumuda , lakshmana Mula & eight vata-sunga are used .

- Lakshmana Mula ground with cow’s milk is taken orally or nasally for a son , likewise vata-sunga may also be used .

- Jivaniya gana drugs should be taken externally or internally .

- One palasha leaf with milk should be used .

- Sukrasimbi r kapittha phala-majja seed ground with milk , if given for 8 days to female , undoubtly delivers a boy child .

- Most of drug used in Pumsamvana karma are madhura rasa , sheets virya , snigdha , balya & jivaniya .

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

🔘 Amavata


👉🏻 Introduction :-

- Amavata is a painful condition which has been explained in Ayurvedic texts. The disease initially manifests as a gut disorder with symptoms of indigestion and anorexia. 

- Later the disease is seen to encroach all the tissues, mainly bones, muscles and joints and multiple organs to cause a symptom complex.

- This condition is often compared to Rheumatoid arthritis of modern day. Some authors have also compared it to stages of gouty arthritis. 

👉🏻 *Causes* 

- Viruddha ahara – mutually incompatible foods.

-Viruddha chesta – unwholesome lifestyle practices 

- Mandagni – having low metabolism and sluggish digestion for a longer period.

-Nischala – sedentary life activities.

-Snigdha bhojana, vyayama – consuming unctuous, oily and high caloric food and immediately getting indulged in exercises.

👉🏻 *Pathogenesis* 

- The impairment of Agni will produce the condition of Ama. Mainly agnimandya initially affects digestion followed by metabolism.

- Hence in this state of Agni, the Rasadhatu is not formed up to the standard level & it is considered as Ama. 

- This ‘Ama’ along with Vyana Vayu and also by virtue of its Vishakari guna it quickly moves to all kapha sthanas, through Hridaya and Dhamanes.

- This Vidhagada Ama, in kapha sthana is further contaminated by doshas and assumes different colours, because of the Atipichhilata.

- If Ama gets obstructed in to channels and promotes further vitiation of vata dosha, this morbid Ama circulates ubiquitously in the body propelled by vitiated vata with predilection for sleshma sthana. 

- On the dhamanies with the other doshas it facilitates sroto abhisyanda and srotorodha causing sthanasmsraya manifested stabdhata (stiffness), sandhisula (joint-pain), sandhishotha (swelling), Anga-marda(bodyache), Apaka(indigestion), Jwara (fever), Anga gourava (heaviness of body), Alasya(laoghess) etc symptoms of Amavata.

👉🏻 Formation of Amavata(Rheumatoid arthritis):-

- The disease is formed due to vicious amalgamation of morbid Vata and ama.

• Ama – is the immature nutritional essence formed in the stomach due to sluggish digestion (agnimandhya and ajeerna). 

- This essence goes into circulation in immature and unprocessed form. It is made available to all the tissues and organs of the body. 

- Since it is immature, the tissues can take it but cannot metabolize it due to lack of identification.

- They are therefore stored in the cells and are neither digested nor flushed out. 

- Owing to their sticky nature ama blocks and clogs all the channels of nutrition in the body. 

- This depletes the nutrition and essential materials to the tissues and organs. As a result there is multiple tissue damage and wide array of diseases are manifested.

👉🏻 *Pathology of Rheumatoid arthritis:-* 

- RA primarily starts as a state of persistent cellular activation leading to autoimmunity and immune complexes in joints and other organs where it manifests.

- The clinical manifestations of disease are primarily inflammation of the synovial membrane and joint damage, and the fibroblast-like synoviocytes play a key role in these pathogenic processes.

• Three phases of progression of RA are:-

1. Initiation phase (due to non-specific inflammation)

2. Amplification phase (due to T cell activation),

3. Chronic inflammatory phase

1) Non-specific inflammation:-

- Factors allowing an abnormal immune response, once initiated, become permanent and chronic. 

- These factors are genetic disorders which change regulation of the adaptive immune response.

- Genetic factors interact with environmental risk factors for RA, with cigarette smoking as the most clearly defined risk factor.

- Other environmental and hormonal factors may explain higher risks for women, including onset after childbirth and hormonal medications. 

- A possibility for increased susceptibility is that negative feedback mechanisms – which normally maintain tolerance – are overtaken by positive feedback mechanisms for certain antigens, such as IgG Fc bound by rheumatoid factor and citrullinated fibrinogen bound by antibodies to citrullinated peptides (ACPA - Anti–citrullinated protein antibody).

- A debate on the relative roles of B-cell produced immune complexes and T cell products in inflammation in RA has continued for 30 years, but neither cell is necessary at the site of inflammation, only autoantibodies to IgGFc, known as rheumatoid factors and ACPA, with ACPA having an 80% specificity for diagnosing RA.

- As with other autoimmune diseases, people with RA have abnormally glycosylated antibodies, which are believed to promote joint inflammation.

2) Amplification Phase:-

- Once the generalized abnormal immune response has become established – which may take several years before any symptoms occur – plasma cells derived from B lymphocytes produce rheumatoid factors and ACPA of the IgG and IgM classes in large quantities.

- These activate macrophages through Fc receptor and complement binding, which is part of the intense inflammation in RA.

- Binding of an autoreactive antibody to the Fc receptors is mediated through the antibody's N-glycans, which are altered to promote inflammation in people with RA.

- This contributes to local inflammation in a joint, specifically the synovium with edema, vasodilation and entry of activated T-cells, mainly CD4 in microscopically nodular aggregates and CD8 in microscopically diffuse infiltrates.

- Synovial macrophages and dendritic cells function as antigen-presenting cells by expressing MHC class II molecules, which establishes the immune reaction in the tissue.

3) Chronic inflammation:-

- The disease progresses by forming granulation tissue at the edges of the synovial lining, pannus with extensive angiogenesis and enzymes causing tissue damage.

- The fibroblast-like synoviocytes have a prominent role in these pathogenic processes.

- The synovium thickens, cartilage and underlying bone disintegrate, and the joint deteriorates, with raised calprotectin levels serving as a biomarker of these events.

- Cytokines and chemokines attract and accumulate immune cells, i.e. activated T- and B cells, monocytes and macrophages from activated fibroblast-like synoviocytes, in the joint space.

- By signalling through RANKL and RANK, they eventually trigger osteoclast production, which degrades bone tissue.

- The fibroblast-like synoviocytes that are present in the synovium during rheumatoid arthritis display altered phenotype compared to the cells present in normal tissues.

- The aggressive phenotype of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis and the effect these cells have on the microenvironment of the joint can be summarized into hallmarks that distinguish them from healthy fibroblast-like synoviocytes. 

- These hallmark features of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis are divided into 7 cell-intrinsic hallmarks and 4 cell-extrinsic hallmarks.

- The cell-intrinsic hallmarks are: reduced apoptosis, impaired contact inhibition, increased migratory invasive potential, changed epigenetic landscape, temporal and spatial heterogeneity, genomic instability and mutations, and reprogrammed cellular metabolism. 

- The cell-extrinsic hallmarks of FLS in RA are: promotes osteoclastogenesis and bone erosion, contributes to cartilage degradation, induces synovial angiogenesis, and recruits and stimulates immune cells.

👉🏻 *Symptoms* 

- Initially the symptoms appear like those of indigestion. 

- In this condition, the disease process has just begun and the morbidity has not reached the joints.

• These symptoms are:

- Angamarda – pain in body parts, general body ache.

-Aruchi – anorexia, tastelessness.

- Trishna – thirst

- Alasya – lethargy, weakness.

- Gaurava – heaviness of the body.

- Jwara – fever.

- Apaka – indigestion.

- Shunata – swelling of body parts.

 - In the later stages when the disease spreads to the joints, tissues and organs the symptoms of multiple tissue and organ damage occur. 

• They are:(Ref:- Ma.Ni.)

- Saruja shopha – painful swelling in the joints of hasta (hand), pada (foot), shira (head and neck), gulpha (ankle), trika (sacrum and coccygeal), janu (knee), uru (thigh, i.e. hip).

- Vrishika damshavat peeda – pain mimicking that of a scorpion sting.

- Agni dourbalya – sluggish digestion.

- Praseka – excessive salivation, nausea.

-Aruchi – tastelessness, anorexia.

- Gouravam – heaviness of the body.

- Utsaha hani – lack of enthusiasm.

- Vairasyam – feeling of perverted and abnormal tastes in the mouth.

-Daaha – burning sensation.

- Bahumutrata – excessive urination.

- Grahani dosha – contamination of intestines.

- Apakwa mala – stools comprise of indigested food.

- Kukshi kathinata – hardness of abdomen.

- Shulam – colic.

- Nidra viparyaya – sleep disturbances.

- Trishna – thirst.
-Chardi – vomiting
-Bhrama – giddiness
-Murcha – fainting
-Hrid graham – feeling of tightness of chest.

-Antra kujana – gurgling sounds in the abdomen.

-Anaha – flatulence.

 👉🏻 *Treatment* 

• Basic principles of treatment of Amavata

लङ्घनं स्वेदनं तिक्तं दीपनानि कटुनि च।
विरेचनं स्नेहपानम् बस्तयश्च आममारुते।।
सैन्धवाध्येनानुवास्य क्षारबस्तिः प्रशस्यते।।

- Langhana – fasting

- Swedana – fomentation, sweating treatment, steaming, sudation.

- Tikta, katu deepana – digestion promoting medicines having bitter and pungent tastes.

- Virechana – purgation.

-Vasti – enemas.

👉🏻 *External treatments*

- Swedana – steaming treatments.

- Pinda sweda – bolus fomentation especially churna pinda sweda (medicated powder bolus), Patra pinda sweda (leaf bolus) and Valuka sweda (sand bolus).(Ref:- Yogaratnakara)

- Dhara – stream pouring of medicated liquids, mainly dhanyamla dhara (fermented herbal liquids).(Ref.:- Dhara kalpa Sushruta)

- Upanaha – poultices.

 👉🏻 *Classical formulations* 

- Shuntyadi Kwatha – decoction of shunti (ginger) and gokshura (Tribulus terrestris).

- Shatyadi kwatha – decoction of shati (Hedychium spicatium), shunti (ginger), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), vacha (Acorus calamus), devadaru (Cedrus deodara), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia).

- Pippalyadi Kwatha – decoction of Pippali (long pepper), pippalimula (root of long pepper), chavya (Piper retrofractum), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) and Shunti (ginger).

- Dashamula Kashayam decoction of 10 roots mixed with eranda taila (castor oil)

- Shunti-guduchi kwatha – decoction of shunti (ginger) and guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia).

- Shunti-guda – Powder of shunti (ginger) taken with powder of guda (jaggery).

- Bhallatakadi churna – powder of bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium), tila (sesame) and haritaki (Terminalia chebula) with guda (jaggery).

- Panchasama churna – powder of shunti (ginger), haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Pippali (long pepper), trivrit (Operculina turpethum) and Saindhava lavana (rock salt).

- Phalatrikadi churna – powder of amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) and shunti (ginger).

- Hingwadi churna – powder of hingu (asafoetida), chavya (Piper retrofractum), vida lavana (bida salt), shunti (ginger), pippali (long pepper), jeeraka (cumin) and pushkara mula (Inula racemosa).

- Nagara churna – powder of nagara or ginger taken with kanji (fermented herbal drink).

- Panchakola churna – powder of Pippali (long pepper), pippalimula (root of long pepper), chavya (Piper retrofractum), chitraka (Plumbago zeylanica) and Shunti (ginger) taken with hot water.

- Eranda Beeja – the payasa (sweetened milk recipe) prepared from purified eranda beeja (seeds of castor plant).

- Erandabeejadi yoga – the pulp of seeds of eranda beeja (castor seeds) mixed with shunti churna (powder of dry ginger) and sharkara (sugar) mixed together should be taken early in the morning.

 👉🏻 *External applications:* 

• Shatapushpadi lepa:-(Ref:- Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Amavata chapter)
- paste of shatapushpa (dill seeds), vacha (Acorus calamus), shunti (ginger), gokshura (Tribulus terrestris), varuna (Crataeva nurvula), devadaru (Cedrus deodara), punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), kachura (Curcuma zedoaria), mundi (Sphaeranthus indicus), prasarini (Paederia foetida) and madana phala (Randia dumetorum).

• Himsradhi lepa(Ref:- Bhaishajya Ratnavali)

👉🏻 *Diet* 

• Pathya – wholesome foods in Amavata

-Barley – Hordeum vulgare

-Horse gram – Dolichos biflorus.

-Red Rice – Oryza sativa

-Shyamaka – Setaria italica / Echinochloa esculenta – Barnyard millet

-Kodrava – Paspalum scrobiculatum – Kodo millet / ditch millet / rice grass / cow grass / Indian paspalum.

- Drumstick – Moringa oliefera.

- Pointed gourd – Trichosanthes dioica.

- Bitter gourd – Momordica charantia.

- Ginger – Zingiber officinale.

- Punarnava – Boerhavia diffusa.

-Hot water and 
Garlic processed in buttermilk.

-Meat of animals living in desert like regions.

  👉🏻 *Apathya – unwholesome foods in Amavata* 

- Curds
- Fish
- jaggery
- Milk
- Upodika – Basella alba – Malabar spinach.

- Flour prepared from black gram.

- Contaminated water
Wind blowing from the East.

- Wrong food combination.

- Unconducive foods
Forcibly controlling the natural body urges.

- Habit of keeping awake throughout the night.

- Irregular eating habits & foods which are heavy to digest.

- Foods which cause blockage in the tissues and channels of the body.

👉🏻 *Clinical features of Amavata in comparison with Rheumatoid arthritis* 
1. Hasta sandhi shotha & shoola - Inflammation & severe pain in metacarpo-phalangeal joints & proximal inter
phalangeal joints are affected most severely in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

2. Paad sandhi shotha and shoola - The feet are often involved especially the metatarso phalangeal joints &
subtalar joints are affected. 
3. Jaanu gulpha sandhi shotha - R.A. involves first smaller
joints of hands & feet and then symmetrically affects the joints of wrist, elbow, ankle & knee. 
4. Angagourav - Feeling of heaviness in the body. 
5. Stabdhata - In R.A. stiffness of joints, particularly
observed in morning hours. 
6. Jaadhya - Due to deformity limited movements in the
joints, weakness in grip or triggering of fingers occurs in R.A. 
7. Angavaikalya - Deformity in joints. 
8.Vikunchana-This mpared to volar subluxation,
ulnar deviation which occurs at metatarsophalangeal
joints .
observed in R.A. 
9. Angamarda - Body ache in R.A. 

Saturday, December 5, 2020



👉🏻 Definition:-

• मुष्णाति दोषान मूषा या सा मूषेति निगद्यते ।

- Which removes the dosha(s) (from various metals and minerals) is known as Moosha.

- They are specially designed for preparing bhasma; and for extraction of satva from dhatu.

👉🏻 Synonyms:-

मूषा हि कुमुदी ख्याता प्रोक्ता कुमुदिका च सा ।

क्रोञ्चिका वह्निमित्रा च पाचनी च निगद्यते ।।

- Kumudi / Kumudika:- Looks like lotus

- Kraunchika:- Looks like Krauncha bird

- Paachani:- It does paachana of mala dravya

- Vahnimitra:- It is made to bear intense heat

👉🏻 Description Availability of Moosha in Classics:-

- For some of the mooshas constituent material, shape, method of preparation, heat resistant power, uses are available.

- For some mooshas shape and uses are available, but constituent material, method of preparation and heat resistant power are not available.

👉🏻 Basic Constituent Materials:-

- Mruttika and Loha

- Dagdha Tusha(Burnt Husk)

-  Kupi Churna (Powder of Glass Bottle)

- Shweta Mruttika (White Clay )

- Shana (Jute)

- Pashana Churna (Powder of stone)

- Shukti Churna(Powder of Conch Shells)

- Rakta Mruttika (Red Clay) 

- Vida Salt

- Angaara (Burnt Charcoal)

- Ishtika Churna (Brick Powder)

- Valmika Mruttika (Hill Rock Soil)

- Bhunaga mruttika (Soil of worms)

- Loha kitta (Iron Slag)

- Krushna Mruttika (Black Soil)

- Shwetashma (Lime Stones)

- Bhunaga Satva (Essence of worms)

- Dagdhagaara (Burnt Clay)

- Jala (Water)

👉🏻 Parts of a Moosha:-

1. Upper part(Pidhanaka):-

- Covers the mossha and protects material to flow from it.

2. Lower basal part(Moosha):-

- Used for keeping materials for heating

👉🏻 Classification of moosha:-

1.According to Shape:-

- Gostani

- Manduka

- Vruntaka

- Gola

- Musala

2.According to Material used for preparation:-

- Gaara(Dagdha gaara)

- Bida-yoga

3.According to purpose of use:-

- Vajra

- Vajra dravini

- Pakwa

- Raupya

👉🏻 Moosha Apyayana:-

- During the heating process,

- when the material is mixed or molten properly,

- at that time, moosha is to be taken out from the heat for a moment.

- It is known as Moasha Apyayana

- To increase the heat resistance capacity of moosha

- to protect moosha from over heating

- to avoid burning of material

👉🏻 Names of Moosha:-

1. Samanya Moosha

2. Gostani Moosha

3. Vajra Moosha

4. Maha Moosha

5. Yoga Moosha

6. Vruntaaka Moosha

7. Malla / Pakva Moosha

8. Silica Crucible

9. Platinum Crucible

👉🏻 Sandhi Bandhanam:-

मूषादीनां तु यत्सन्धौ किट्टाद्यैः स्याद्विलेपनम् ।

तत्सन्धिलेपनं ख्यातं तच्चोक्त सन्धिबन्धनम् ॥

- When two vessels are joined from their ends, this process is known as Sandhi Bandhana.

- Paste of lohakitta, mruttika etc applied for sandhi bandhana.

👉🏻 Mudra:-

- Mudra is a procedure in which two vessels are sealed tightly for checking (stopping) the loss of materials inside the vessels.

- Description about Mudra from the book- Rasa Kamadhenu

- Generally it is used for sealing the joint of two vessels to check the loss of mercury during the process (in paarada karma)

1. Madana Mudra:-

- Audumbara ksheera:- 1 pala

- Vata ksheera:- 1 pala

- Laksha:- 1 pala

- Chumbaka lauha:- 6 pala

- Atasi taila:- q.s.

2. Hatha mudra:-

- Chumbaka lauha:- 1 part

- Varaha Rakta:- 1 part

1) Samanya Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Mruttika:- 4 parts

- Dagdha Tusha (Burnt Husk):- 1 part

- Shikhitraka (Burnt Charcoal Powder);-1 part

- Laddika (Horse Dung):- 1 part

- Shana(jute):- 1 part

• Method of Preparation:-

- Ingredients are pounded well to make fine powder

- Levigated with Bhavana Dravya till paste becomes soft, smooth and sticky

- Appropriate shape is given by strong heat

• Uses:-

- Satva Paatana of Shilajatu and Vimala

2) Gostani Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Not specifically mentioned, so material of samanya moosha can be taken here also.

• Method of Preparation:-

- Ingredients are pounded well to make fine powder

- Levigated with Bhavana Dravya till paste becomes soft, smooth and sticky

- Appropriate shape is given by strong heat

- Pidhaanaka is prepared having a Shikha la projection / handle) at its top middle portion.

• Uses:-

- Shodhana & Satva Paatana of Abhraka, Vaikranta, Makshika, Shilajatu, Vimala

3) Vajra Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Black Soil:- 3 Parts

- Shana small pieces:- 2 Parts

- Horse dung:- 2 parts

- Wood ash:- 1 part

- Loha kitta:- 0.5 part

• Method of Preparation:-

- Ingredients are pounded well to make fine powder

- Levigated with Bhavana Dravya till plaster becomes soft, smooth and sticky

- Appropriate shape is given by strong heat

• Uses:-

Sattva Patana of Minerals

4) Maha Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Not specially mentioned

• Method of Preparation:-

- Ingredients are pounded well to make fine powder

- Levigated with Bhavana Dravya till paste becomes soft, smooth and sticky

- Appropriate shape is een by strong heat

• Shape:-

- Lower portion of Moosha is like elbow joint with gradually broadening towards upper portion

- Round and Fat Base having big and broad mouth

• Uses:-

- Satva Paatana of Loha, Abhraka, Makshika & Satva draavana

5) Yog Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Dagdha Tusha (Burnt Husk):- 1 part

- Shikhitraka (Purnt Charcoal):- 1 part

- Bida:- 1 part

• Method of Preparation:-

- Ingredients are pounded well to make fine powder

- Levigated with Bhavana Dravya til paste becomes soft, smooth and sticky

- Appropriate shape is given and painted with the mentioned drugs

- Strong heat is given to make the same heat resistant

• Uses:-

- Rasa Siddhi

6) Vruntaka Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Not specifically mentioned

• Method of Preparation:-

- Prepared of broad base and narrow at the upper end like brinjal

- The mouth of Moosha is attached with one Nala (hollow pipe) having diameter of mouth of Nala is 8 angula and 12 angula lengthy and shape is Dhattura Pushpa shape

• Shape:

- It looks like Vruntaaka (Brinjal)

• Uses:-

- Sattva Paatana of Mrudu drugs like Kharpara

- Used in pair in Jaaranartha Tula Yantra

7) Malla Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Not specifically mentioned

• Method of Preparation:-

- Two earthen saucers are joined together and sealed properly

- The ingredients of the earthen saucers are taken as per samanya moosha

• Shape:-

- It looks like sharava samputa

• Uses:-

- Preparation of Parpati Rasa

8) Pakva Moosha:-

• Constituent Materials:-

- Not specifically mentioned

• Method of Preparation:-

- It is moulded in the appropriate shape and strong heat is given to make the same heat resistant

- The ingredients of the earthen saucers are taken as per samanya moosha

• Shape:-

- It looks like a Bhaanda(a pot)

• Uses:-

- Pottali Paachana

👉🏻 Modern Crucibles:-

- Crucible is a ceramic, graphite or metal container;

in which, metals or other substances can be melted or calcinated to high degree of heat.

👉🏻 Materials Used for Preparing Crucibles:-

- Silicon carbide and Clay graphite

- Porcelain

- China clay, Kaolin, Silicon dioxide

- Alumina, Zirconia, Magnesia (Different varieties of

ceramics) - tolerate the highest temperatures

- Earliest uses of platinum was to make crucibles

- More recently, nickel and zirconium have been used

👉🏻 Uses of Modern Crucibles:-

- To heat or melt the metals, glass etc

- To heat chemical compounds in analytical laboratories

Wednesday, December 2, 2020



👉🏻Basonym of Drug:-

- Which protects the body by subsiding the aggravated doshas or the fruit is mainly sour to taste.

- Vrutaphala:-Fruit is globose
- Kolama:- Fruit weights 6g
- Tishyaphala:- Fruiting season in pusya masa or the fruit are auspicious
- Amala:-Purifies the body
- Amrutaphalam:- Fruit is rejuvenating as Amrita
- Amruta:- Rejuvenating as Amritha
- Dhatri:-Fruit juice promote Dhatu and has similar properties as stanya
- Vayashya:- Promotes longevity 
- Vrushya:-Improve sukra dhatu
- Shivam :-Always beneficial

👉🏻 Regional Name:-

• English: Indian goose Berry 
• Hindi: Avala 
• Gujarati: Ambala
• Kannada: Nellikai 
• Malayalam: Nelli
• Marathi:Avale 

👉🏻 Botanical Name:- Emblica officinalis


👉🏻Classification Of Dravya:-

• Charaka:- Kusthaghna varga , kasahara varga , virecanopaga varga , jwarahara varga , vayasthapana varga 

• Sushruta:- Parusakadi gana , Amalakyadi gana , Triphala 

• Bhavaprakasa:- Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga 

👉🏻 Kula : Eranda

👉🏻 External Morphology:-
1. Root : Tap root

2. Leaf :
a. Type: Compound
b. Phyllotaxy: Opposite
c. Shape: Narrowly linear
d. Tip: Obtuse 
e. Margin: Entire 
f. Surface: Glabrous 

3. Inflorescence: Axillary racemose

4. Flower : Greenish yellow , complete , bisexual

5. Seed : 6 Trigonous , 3 celled nut containing , 2 seeds in each cell

6. Fruit : Fleshy globose

👉🏻 Types:-

• According to Raja Nighantu – 1. Vanya – small- hard  , 2. Gramya – big , soft , fleshy

• According to Cultivates – 1. Krishna , 2. Amrit , 3. Neelam , 4. Kanchan

👉🏻 Useful Parts : Fruit 

👉🏻 Important Phytoconstituents:-

- Fruit – Ellagic  acid , Amlaic acid , Phyllantine , Phyllantidine , Zeatin , Zeatin nucleotide , Zeatin riboside , Benzenoid , Chebulic acid ,  Chebulinic acid  , Gallic acid  , Ethyl galate 

- Bark – Tannin (10-20%)

- Leaves – Tannin (22%)
Rich source of Vit . C – 600mg/100g

👉🏻Rasa Panchaka:-

1. Rasa : Almaprabhan lavana varjit pancharasa 
2. Guna : Ruks ,Laghu , Sara
3. Virya : Sita
4. Vipaka : Madhura
5. Dosha karma : Tridoshahara

👉🏻Karma:- Rasayana , Pramehaghna , Jwaraghan , Vrsy ,Dahahara , Chardighana, Sophaghan , Ruchya , Medohara , Bhagana , Keshya , Caksusya , Kusthagha. 

👉🏻 Prayogartha Vyadhi [Therapeutic Indications]:-

- As a Rasayana , Prameha , Jwara , Rakta[itta , Pandu , Kamala , Sukra dourbalya , Daha , Chardi, Bhgana ,Sopha. 

👉🏻 Amayika Prayoga [Therapeutic Administratiom]:-

- In Prameha Fresh amalaki juice mixed Haridra taken everyday will cheek the Prameha .
- Jwara Juice extracted from Amalaki fruit fried with ghee is very useful in Jwara .

- In Pandu Amalaki curna  mixed with honey is effective in Pandu rota .

- Kamal Juice of Amalaki and grapes may be used in Kamal .

- In Raktapitta Amalaki curna mixef with more quantity of Madhu and Sarkara given as a Virechaka very useful in Raktapitta. 

👉🏻 Matra [Dose] :-

- Phala curna – 3-10 g , 
- Kasaya – 30-100ml , 
- Sarada – 10-20ml

👉🏻 Vishishta Yoga [Name Of Important Formulation] :-

- Amalaki kasaya
- Amalaki rasayana 
- Amalakyadi kwatha
- Bhrngamalakadi taila
- Triphala kwatha
- Triphala ghrta

🔘 Dasha Vidha Pareeksha

Dasha Vidha Pareeksha  👉🏻 Introduction:  As a rule, before starting any treatment, the disease and diseased should be thorough...