Wednesday, December 2, 2020



👉🏻Basonym of Drug:-

- Which protects the body by subsiding the aggravated doshas or the fruit is mainly sour to taste.

- Vrutaphala:-Fruit is globose
- Kolama:- Fruit weights 6g
- Tishyaphala:- Fruiting season in pusya masa or the fruit are auspicious
- Amala:-Purifies the body
- Amrutaphalam:- Fruit is rejuvenating as Amrita
- Amruta:- Rejuvenating as Amritha
- Dhatri:-Fruit juice promote Dhatu and has similar properties as stanya
- Vayashya:- Promotes longevity 
- Vrushya:-Improve sukra dhatu
- Shivam :-Always beneficial

👉🏻 Regional Name:-

• English: Indian goose Berry 
• Hindi: Avala 
• Gujarati: Ambala
• Kannada: Nellikai 
• Malayalam: Nelli
• Marathi:Avale 

👉🏻 Botanical Name:- Emblica officinalis


👉🏻Classification Of Dravya:-

• Charaka:- Kusthaghna varga , kasahara varga , virecanopaga varga , jwarahara varga , vayasthapana varga 

• Sushruta:- Parusakadi gana , Amalakyadi gana , Triphala 

• Bhavaprakasa:- Nighantu : Haritakyadi varga 

👉🏻 Kula : Eranda

👉🏻 External Morphology:-
1. Root : Tap root

2. Leaf :
a. Type: Compound
b. Phyllotaxy: Opposite
c. Shape: Narrowly linear
d. Tip: Obtuse 
e. Margin: Entire 
f. Surface: Glabrous 

3. Inflorescence: Axillary racemose

4. Flower : Greenish yellow , complete , bisexual

5. Seed : 6 Trigonous , 3 celled nut containing , 2 seeds in each cell

6. Fruit : Fleshy globose

👉🏻 Types:-

• According to Raja Nighantu – 1. Vanya – small- hard  , 2. Gramya – big , soft , fleshy

• According to Cultivates – 1. Krishna , 2. Amrit , 3. Neelam , 4. Kanchan

👉🏻 Useful Parts : Fruit 

👉🏻 Important Phytoconstituents:-

- Fruit – Ellagic  acid , Amlaic acid , Phyllantine , Phyllantidine , Zeatin , Zeatin nucleotide , Zeatin riboside , Benzenoid , Chebulic acid ,  Chebulinic acid  , Gallic acid  , Ethyl galate 

- Bark – Tannin (10-20%)

- Leaves – Tannin (22%)
Rich source of Vit . C – 600mg/100g

👉🏻Rasa Panchaka:-

1. Rasa : Almaprabhan lavana varjit pancharasa 
2. Guna : Ruks ,Laghu , Sara
3. Virya : Sita
4. Vipaka : Madhura
5. Dosha karma : Tridoshahara

👉🏻Karma:- Rasayana , Pramehaghna , Jwaraghan , Vrsy ,Dahahara , Chardighana, Sophaghan , Ruchya , Medohara , Bhagana , Keshya , Caksusya , Kusthagha. 

👉🏻 Prayogartha Vyadhi [Therapeutic Indications]:-

- As a Rasayana , Prameha , Jwara , Rakta[itta , Pandu , Kamala , Sukra dourbalya , Daha , Chardi, Bhgana ,Sopha. 

👉🏻 Amayika Prayoga [Therapeutic Administratiom]:-

- In Prameha Fresh amalaki juice mixed Haridra taken everyday will cheek the Prameha .
- Jwara Juice extracted from Amalaki fruit fried with ghee is very useful in Jwara .

- In Pandu Amalaki curna  mixed with honey is effective in Pandu rota .

- Kamal Juice of Amalaki and grapes may be used in Kamal .

- In Raktapitta Amalaki curna mixef with more quantity of Madhu and Sarkara given as a Virechaka very useful in Raktapitta. 

👉🏻 Matra [Dose] :-

- Phala curna – 3-10 g , 
- Kasaya – 30-100ml , 
- Sarada – 10-20ml

👉🏻 Vishishta Yoga [Name Of Important Formulation] :-

- Amalaki kasaya
- Amalaki rasayana 
- Amalakyadi kwatha
- Bhrngamalakadi taila
- Triphala kwatha
- Triphala ghrta

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