Thursday, December 17, 2020



👉🏻 Etymology:-

- The Sanskrit word "Parpati" denotes a thin flake like preparation.

- "Parpati" indicates a preparation which is thin, brittle and has a shape of thin Paapad.

👉🏻 Synonyms:-

- Parpat (Paapad like)

- Parpati (Thin flake)

- Parpatika (thin and brittle flake)

- Pota bandha (Adhesions or to give support)

👉🏻 Definition:-

दृतकज्जलिका मोचापत्रके चिपितिकृता।

स पोट: पर्पटी सैव बालाध्यखिलरोगानुत।।  (रस-११.७२)

- Molten kajjali is made into a thin flake by pressing on banana leaf named as Parpati which indicates its shape.

- It is useful in diseased conditions of all the age groups viz Baala etc.

👉🏻 Types:-

1. Sagandha:-

- Rasa Parpati

- Tamra parpati

- Loha parpati

- Vyoma parpati

2. Nirgandha:-

- Kshara parpati

- Malla parpati

- Somala parpati

👉🏻 Equipments:-

1. Khalva Yantra:-

- for preapering kajjali

- for converting parpati into powder form

2. Loha Darvi:-

- for melting kajjali (iron is a good conductor of heat)

3. Spoon / Spatula:-

- for continuous stirring of material during heating

4. Heating Device:-

- for heating

- It changes properties from Gurutwa to Laghutwa

5. Gomaya:-

- for giving proper shape and pressure

6. Patra (Kadali Patra):-

- for smearing the parpati on it.

7. Samatala Pidhaanaka:-

- for giving proper shape and pressure (made from Gomaya and Kadali Patra)

8. Sneha:-

- to prevent material sticking to vessel

- to stop loss of material while heating

9. Ushnodaka:-

- To wash the prepared parpati

👉🏻 General Procedure:-

1. Kajjali is prepared

2. Dhatu Bhasma or Ratna-aadi pishti added to kajjali

3. Taken into ghrita smeared Loha darvi

4. Heated on mild fire

5. Heated upto melting of ingredients

6. Melted ingredients is poured on ghrita smeared banana leaf(which is put on platform of gomaya)

7. Immensely pressed with another banana leaf(along with gomaya)

8. Parpati is created due to pressure

9. Washed with hot water and powdered and stored.

👉🏻 Parpati Paaka:-

1. Mrudu paka:-

- Colour of molten kajjali is mayura chandrika varna

- Does not break properly

- Not used for medicinal purpose

2. Madhyama paka:-

- Colour of molten kajjali is shiny black

- Break with crackling sound

- Used for medicinal purpose

- Have proper chemical bonding

3. Khara paka:-

- Parpati becomes with reddish colour

- Dry and coarse in nature

- Poisonous

- Not used for medicinal purpose

👉🏻 Parpati Prayoga:-

1. Samanya:-

- given in dose of 1-2 ratti (125-250 mg) 

- with anupaana of fried jiraka, hingu etc

2. Vishesha:-

- 2 ratti (250 mg) dose initially and increased by 1 ratti per day upto max. 10 to 12 ratti (2.5 to 3 gram)


- dose is maintained till disease is cured and then gradually dose is decreased

- Pathya : godugdha, takra, fruit juice

- Apathya: anna, jala, lavana

👉🏻 Anupaana:-

- Madhu

- Bharjita Jeeraka

- Ksheera

- Sita

- Ghrita

- Dadima Swarasa

- Takra

👉🏻 Aamayika Prayoga:-

- Grahani

- Shotha

- Atisaara 

- Arsha

- Jalodara

- Kushtha

- Gulma

- Pandu

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