Thursday, July 23, 2020

🔘 Vamana Karma


कफे विदध्याद्धमनं संयोगे वा कफोल्यणे । 
तद् विरेचन पित्ते । विशेषेण तु वामयेत् ।

Vamana means  to  induce  vomiting; it  is  a  bio-cleansing measure  meant  for  the elimination  of  doshas (mainly  kapha) accumulated in  the  upper  gastro  intestinal  tract (Amasaya) Vamana is a treatment of choice in Kaphaja disorders.

👉🏻 Mode of drug administration/procedure -

The patient is to be prepared for Vumana by performing purvakarma properly as indicated and prescribed kaphotklesa dramas like fish, masha (black gram),payasam (rice cooked in milk with ghee) etc. on the previous day of Vamana.

Vamana is to be conducted in the morning preferably between 7 to 8 AM. If the patient is on empty stomach, Yavagu (specific type of rice preparation made from 1:6 ratio of rice and water) with Ghee are to be given before performing the Famana". After Snehan and Swedana.

the patient is to be advised to sit comfortably in a chair (Vaman peeth). Afterwards mixture of milk or Madhuvanthi Kwatha (Vamanopaga dravya) is to be given full stomach. Facu powder with honey is given to lick in between. At the last sip of the decoction Madanphala powder with honey is given to be licked

The medicines for Vamana should be administered in proper quantity, according to the age, strength, constitution, season etc. Usually. Vamana starts within 10-15 minutes after giving the medicine. While the patient is vomiting, masseur should massage back and chest in upward direction. To stimulate the urge for the bouts of vomiting, warm water mixed with Saindhava (Lavana) or milk should be given repeatedly. Assessment criteria of vamana procedure are elaborately mentioned in the classics usually the fluid comes

Within 48 minutes. If not vomited out the pharynx may be gently irritated with a finger or Kamalanala. 

👉🏻 Vegas (bouts) of Vamana:

According to No. of bouts (Vegas) Vamana may be classified into 
1. agama vamana - 4 vegas (bouts)
2. Madhyama vamana - 6 vegas (bouts)
3. Pravara vamana 8 vegas (bouts)

👉🏻 Post Vamana regimen -

When Samyak yoga of Vamana is observed the patient should clean his mouth and face water with warm water and Dhumapana with the prescribed drugs e.g. Haridra (Curcuma longa), is to be performed. 

In the evening the patient may be instructed to take hot water bath. When the patient is having good appetite, Samsarjana karma preferably rice gruel may be given.

👉🏻 Indications -

1. Gastric problems - Amlapitta (Acid peptic disorders), indigestion etc.
2. Respiratory diseases - Kasa (Cough), Shwasa (bronchial Asthma)
3. Other diseases - such as Madhumeha (Diabetes), Unmanda (Schizophrenia), Pinasa (Sinusitis). Kushta (Skin diseases). Grant (Tumour), Shlipada(Filariasis). 

👉🏻 Contraindications -

1. Acute peptic ulcer 
2. Atikrisha (Emaciated body) 
3. Bala (Children) 
4. Vriddha (Old age) 
5. Garbhini (Pregnancy) 
6. Shranta (Exhausted) 
7. Pipasa (Thirsty) 
8. Kshudhita (Hungry) 
9. Hridroga (Cardiac disorders)

👉🏻 Complications of Vamana therapy -

Atiyoga (excessive) of vamana may cause 
(i) Froth in vomitus 
(ii) Hematemesis 
(iii) Weakness 
(iv) Feeling of darkness
(v) Dryness of throat  
(vi) Giddiness 
(vii) Vatarogas 
(viii) Fresh bleeding

👉🏻 Observation -

Certain diseases originate due to accumulation/ vitiation of phlegm/ Kapha. The elimination of this dosha will help to prevent and cure the disease.

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