👉🏻Basonym of Drug :
- Completely cures ailments.
👉🏻Synonyms :
- Krutmal:- When floweringa the tree looks adorned with garlands .
- Dhirghaphala Fruit are long.
- Rajavruksha:- Regarded as king of tree oving to its beauty .
- Pragraha:- Liked by people as it is beautiful .
- Aamha:- Relieves ama .
- Aarevata:- Expels mala from the body .
- Jwarantaka:- Relieves from fever .
- Vyadhighata :- Useful in many diseases .
👉🏻 Regional Name:
• English: Purging casia
• Hindi: Amaltas
• Guarati: Garmalo
• Kannada: Kakki kayi
• Malayalam: Konna
• Marathi: Bawa
👉🏻 Botanical Name: Cassia fistula
👉🏻 Family: Caesalpinaceae
👉🏻 Classification Of Dravya:
• Charaka – Kusthaghna , Kandughna
• Sushruta – Aragwadhdi gana , Shyamadii gana
• Bhavaprakash Nighantu – Haritakyadi varga
👉🏻Kula : Puti karanja kula
👉🏻 Habitat :Gros all over India and as it is a beautiful plant it iscultivated in gardens .
👉🏻External Morphology:
1. Root : Tap root
2. Leaf :
a. Type: Compound
b. Phyllotaxy: Altarnate
c. Shape: Oblong with polvinus at base
d. Tip: Acut
e. Margin: Entire
f. Surface: Glabrous
3. Inflorescence: Long axillary pendulous racemes
4. Flower : Complete , bisexual , yellow colour with long pedicals
a. Calyx :5
b. Corolla :5
c. Androecium :10
d. Gynoecium : Monocarpellary
e. Ovary :Superior
5. Fruit : Legume
6. Seed :Flat Embedded
👉🏻Types :
• According to Dhan. Ni. & Ra. Ni. –
1. Aragwadha , 2.Karnikara
👉🏻Useful Parts : Fruit
👉🏻Important Phytoconstituents :
- Pod pulp – Anthraquinone , Sucrose , Lingnoceric acid , Amino acids.
- Root bark – Anthraquinone , Derivates , Sennoside A & B , Fistucacidin ,
- Stem bark & leaves – Rhein glycoside
👉🏻 Rasa Panchaka :
Rasa :Madhura , Tikta , Kasaya (for flower)
Guna : Guru , snigdha / Laghu , Sara from Karnikara
Virya : Sita , Usna
Vipaka : Madhura
Dosha karma : Vata Pitta samaka & Ptta Kapha samsodhaka
👉🏻Karma :
- Phala – Sramasana , Sulahara , Rucya , Kostha suddhikara , Krimighna , Pramehaghna , Jwaraghna
- Leaf – Meda visosaka , Virecaka
- Flower - Grahi
Phala majja is best Sramsaka.
👉🏻Prayogartha Vyadhi [Therapeutic Indications] :
- Phala – Jwara , Hrdroga ,Raktapitta , Udavarta , Kustha krimi prameha ,Mutrakrchra , Gulma
- Leaf - Medoroga
👉🏻Amayika Prayoga [Therapeutic Administration] :
1. Prameha:- Aragwadha kasaya is best for haridra meha
2. Kustha:- Triturate leaves of Aragwadha and Kakamahi with buttermilk the paste thus obtained is applied over skin lesions.
3. Amavata:- Leaves of Aragwadha are fried with mustard oil . These leaves are chewed after evening meal .
4. Visarpa:- Paste of Aragwadha leaves and Slesmataka bark is mixed with ghee and applied in all types of Visarpa .
👉🏻 Matra [Dose] :
- Bija curna – 3-6g
- Mula twak kwatha – 10-15ml
- Puspa swarasa – 05-10 ml
- Phala majja – 10-20g
👉🏻Vishishta Yoga [Name Of Important Formulation] :
- Aragwadhadyarista
- Aragwadhadi avleha
- Aragwadha ghrta
- Aragwadha kasaya
- Aragwadhadi taila
- Mahamanistadi kwatha .
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