Thursday, July 9, 2020

🔘 Pancha Mahabhuta


- panchamahabhuta are the five fundamental elements responsible for creation of the universe, including humans. Each individual has a unique panchabhautik constitution. This constitution remains in state of equilibrium in health and any imbalance results in disease. It is crucial for healthcare provider to identify panchabhautik imbalance and should have the capability to restore equilibrium.
Akasha mahabhuta

Vayu mahabhuta

Agni mahabhuta

Jala mahabhuta

Prithvi mahabhuta

The mahabhuta are evolved from dominance of these specific fundamental constituents of universe as below.

Akasha: Sattva dominant

Vayu: Rajas dominant

Agni: Sattva and Rajas dominant

Aap: Sattva and Tamas dominant

Prithvi: Tamas dominant
Each mahabhuta has dominant inherent functions related to the sense organs. The mahabhuta can perceive enhanced other senses due to addition of subtle elements of other mahabhuta .


The word Akasha literally means ‘a free or open space’ or ‘the ether’, ‘sky’ or ‘atmosphere’.
the empty space in the body or cavity corresponds to akasha mahabhuta. Akasha is one of the five basic constituents .

Synonyms :- 
Nabha, gagana, vyoma, nakshatra loka, divyaloka, viyat, antariksha and kha

A material with the predominance of Akasha mahabhuta possesses the following characteristics.

Soft (mrudu)

Light( laghu)

Subtle (sukshma)

Smooth (shlakshna)

The abundance of sound 

Sound (shabda), audition (shrotra), lightness (laghava), fineness(saukshmya ) and disintegration (viveka) in the fetus are attributed to akasha mahabhuta.

Akasha mahabhuta is a factor responsible for determining constitution of human being formed in embryonic life. It is categorized under mahabhutavikara prakriti.

After the formation of fetus(garbha), akasha is responsible for enlargement.
Akasha mahabhuta in its subtle form is one among eightfold nature of all beings.
Akasha possesses dominance of sattva guna. Hence it shows the purest form.


The vatadosha is constituted from vayu and akasha mahabhuta In vata prakritiindividual, the dominance of properties of akasha mahabhuta are observed.Similarly, in conditions of vatadoshaaggravation, akasha mahabuta predominance is observed. 

The treatment of such conditions is done by avoiding diet and lifestyle measures with akasha predominance.
On the other side, the akasha mahabhuta dominant regimen is indicated in conditions of kaphadosha aggravation.

The action of drugs having more akasha mahabhuta is pacification of dosha (shamana) Akasha predominant drugs are selected for pacifiying (shamana) treatment.

The drugs which are bitter in taste (tikta) have panchabhuta constitution as vayu and akasha.This can produce softness (mardava), porousness (saushirya) and lightness(laghava) in the body.Therefore these are part of reducing(langhana) treatment prescribed in diseases due to over-nutrition. 


The word ‘vayu’ literally means ‘wind’ or ‘air’ or ‘vital air’.
There are two forms of vayu: subtle (sukshma) and gross (sthula). The subtle form is present as vital force(‘prana’) in sheath of vital force Gross (sthulal)vayu is present in the body as mahabhuta and dosha in sheath formed by food.

Vata, pavana, sadagati, anila, sameerana, maruta

The substance with the predominance of vayumahabhuta possesses the following properties:-

Light (laghu)

Dry (ruksha)

Rough (khara)

Clear (vishada)

Subtle/minute (sukshma)

Touch (sparsha) dominantly 

Sound (shabda)

Movement (chalatva) is the characteristic feature of vayumahabhuta. It can move in all directions. That may be the reason for considering ‘tiryakgamana’(movement in all directions) as a property of vayu.

 Among the three fundamental qualities (triguna), vayumahabhuta is raja guna dominant
Vayu is represented as vital force (prana) in purusha. It is also responsible for initiation of any movement(utsaha )
Therefore, vayu is directly responsible for vitality and all functions in an individual.
During embryogenesis, Vayu mahabhuta is responsible for the functions of development of touch sensation and its perception, roughness, impulsion, structure and functions of body tissues and all types of movements, transportation in channels.

Vayu mahabhuta is also responsible for the dominancy of vatadosha in prakriti of an individual.

Vayu mahabhuta carries out the function of division or separation of fetus (garbha) into dosha, dhatu, mala, different body parts etc......

All these functions are carried out in postnatal life too.

Movement is the property attributed to vayu. Therefore, it is responsible for all physiological functions related to transport and movements inside and outside body. Vayu mahabhuta carries out basic function of nourishment of its own components as in skin and touch sensation. Apart from this, lightness (loss of weight and volume), dryness, roughness, fatigue, disintegration are observed . Abnormalities in these functions and features can be diagnosed and treated.


The vatadosha is constituted from vayu and akasha mahabhuta vata prakritiindividual, the dominance of properties of vayumahabhuta is observed.Similarly, in conditions of vatadoshaaggravation, vayumahabhuta predominance is observed. The treatment of such conditions is done by avoiding diet and lifestyle measures with vayu predominance.

On the other side, the vayumahabhuta dominant regimen is indicated in conditions of kaphadosha aggravation.

The substances which are pungent, bitter and astringent in taste have dominancy of vayu and akasha mahabhut. By wisely prescribing the drugs having the above said tastes, one can treat various conditions of doshas.

Medicines for therapeutic emesis (vamana) have agni and vayu mahabhuta dominance. Since both of these mahabhutas have lightness as their property, it carries the dosha in upward direction and thus it helps in expelling the doshas through mouth.

The drugs having predominance of vayumahabhuta cause withholding (sangrahi) effect in body, since vayu does absorption of fluid (shoshana).

To attain the scarifiying (lekhana) effect, drugs having more vayu and agniguna predominance are selected.


The word ‘agni’ literally means ‘fire’.The word meaning of ‘tejas’ is glow, glare, splendor, light, fire, the bright appearance of human body, vital power, essence etc..........

Anala, teja, ushma, vaishvanara.

Type of Agni :- 

Agni is present in two forms.
 1)Eternal(nitya)and2)Ephemeral(anitya The
most subtle (paramanu) form of agnimahabhuta is eternal. The secondary forms derived from it are ephemeral. The ephemeral form is observed as factors responsible for heat, digestion and metabolism in body (agni), subject matter for vision(darshanendriyadravya ) and object of vision.

The substance with predominance of agnimahabhuta possesses following properties:

Hot (ushna)

Sharp (teekshna)

Subtle (sukshma)

Light (laghu)

Dry (ruksha)

Clear (vishada)

Rupa (vision)

Warmth (ushnatva) is the characteristic feature of Agni Mahabhuta. Agni mahabhuta has dominance of sattva and rajas guna among the three fundamental qualities

Agni mahabhuta is one of the basic six constituents of purusha or holistic human being.
Agni is represented by heat in purusham Therefore it is responsible for all transformation processes in body.


Proper digestion, transformation, metabolic processes, heat production and thermal regulation etc. in the body is regulated by agnimahabhuta. Any abnormalities in these physiological functions are observed to assess proportion of agnimahabhuta.

 Excessive use of substances having agnimahabhuta predominance cause dizziness, burning pain, tremors, piercing and tearing pains
The substances having light (laghu) property possess vayu and agnimahabhuta predominance. 

Intake of such food items increases factors responsible for digestion 
The quantity of food is determined by inherent nature of food (light or heavy to digest) based upon fundamental panchabhautik composition and capacity of an individual.

The pitta dosha is constituted from agnimahabhuta
In pitta prakriti individual, the dominance of properties of agnimahabhuta are observed.

Similarly, in conditions of pittadosha aggravation, agnimahabhuta predominance is observed. 

The treatment of such conditions is done by avoiding diet and lifestyle measures with agni predominance.
On the other side, the agnimahabhuta dominant regimen is indicated in conditions of vata and kaphadosha aggravation
The substances which are sour, salty and pungent in taste have dominance of agnimahabhuta

By wisely prescribing the drugs having above said tastes, one can treat various conditions of doshas.

Medicines for therapeutic emesis (vamana) have agni and vayumahabhuta dominance. Since both of these mahabhutas have lightness as their property, it carries the dosha in upward direction and thus it helps in expelling the doshas through mouth
The drugs having predominance of agnimahabhuta initiates (deepana) and expedites digestion (pachana) in body

Sudation (swedana) is achieved by applying principles of heat on body physiology. It liquifies morbid dosha and clears channels.
To attain the scrapping (lekhana) effect, drugs having more vayu and agniguna predominance are selected.

In the event of reduction in blood(rakta) in the body, the drugs having predominance of tejamahbhuta should be used.

Agni, vayu and akasha properties are used to cause emaciation(apatarpana or langhana).


The word ‘jala’ literally means ‘water’ or ‘any fluid’. It is also known as ‘ap mahabhuta’. The word ‘ap’ also means ‘water’.
It is one among the panchamahabhuta.The fluid content inside and out of the cell corresponds to the jala mahabhuta in the human body.

That which have the sensations of vision (rupa), taste(rasa), touch (sparsha), sliminess (snigdha) and is in the form of liquid (drava) is called ‘ap’. It is cold on touch

Ap, jala, ambu, toya, udaka, soma

Ap is present in two forms:-
a.Nitya (eternal)
b.Anitya (ephemeral)
The minute/subtle (paramanu) form of apmahabhuta is eternal(nitya). The secondary forms by combination of these paramanu are ephemeral (anitya)

A substance with predominance of jalamahabhuta possess the following characteristics.

Fluid (drava)

Unctuous (snigdha)

Cold (sheeta)

Slow (manda)

Soft (mrudu)

Slimy (pichchila)

Rasa (taste)dominance




Shukra (seminal fluid) has predominance of apmahabhuta. Hence it is termed as ‘saumya’ (originated from soma).During embryogenesis, the jala mahabhuta maintains the moisture in fetus. It prevents dryness due to action of vayu and agnimahabhuta.

In the fetus,jalamahabhuta is responsible for the development of functions like taste, coldness, softness, unctuousness and sliminess.

All these functions are carried out in postnatal life too
The gustatory system including tongue and taste buds have predominance of jala mahabhuta.The liquidity and fluidity of blood (rakta) is a result of apmahabhuta.Jala mahabhuta also maintains fluidity, unctuousness and flexibility in body components like plasma and lymph(rasa), adipose tissue(meda), bone marrow(majja), shukra, urine(mutra), sweat(sweda) and breast milk(stanya).

Tejo dhatu, jala and akasha bhuta results in fair(gaura/avadata varna) complexion.

The injury to kalantarapranaharamarma(vital points) leads to death after some time, because dominance of jalamahabhuta with agni.

 The quality of jalamahabhuta pacifies actions of agni for some time.Vaikalyakaramarma possesses jalamahabhuta predominance. 

Due to the stability and cold nature of water, it helps to sustain the life.


The moisture, unctuousness, softness and delightfulness in the body are decided by the jalamahabhuta.Abnormalities in these functions are observed to assess the varying proportions of jalamahabhuta in the body.

 The increase or decrease in kaphadosha and other body components with above properties depend upon jalamahabhuta. Hence, it is observed.

 For e.g.Depletion of rasa dhatu may result due to reduction of apmahabhuta and vice versa in the body. It leads to thirst (trishna) and other features of depletion of rasa (rasa kshaya).

The qualities of jalamahabhuta are applied in specific treatments. Moisture is applied in dryness created due to agni and vayu. Fluidity is applied to improve volume of depleted body components.

 It is also applied to cleanse channels. Coldness is applied to reduce heat. Softness is applied to reduce roughness. The sharp actions of agnimahabhuta are pacified by soft and slow properties of jalamahabhuta.

 Delightfulness is applied to reduce anger and grief.

Udaka form is the best for production of soothing effect/refreshing agent.It is used in the treatment of psycho-neurological disorders like anxiety neurosis.

Jala is best in producing astringent effect. Hence it is used for creating bonds or as binding agent. The quantity of food is determined by inherent nature of food (light or heavy to digest) based upon fundamental panchabhautik composition and digestive capacity of an individual.

In the manifestation and differentiation of taste (rasa), jalamahabhuta is one among the fundamental source. Medicines for therapeutic purgation (virechana) have predominance of jala and prithvimahabhuta. Since both of these mahabhuta have heaviness as their property, it carries the dosha in downward direction.

The treatment of kaphadosha. aggravated condition can be done by avoiding diet and lifestyle measures with jalamahabhut predominance.


The word ‘Prithvi’ literally means ‘the earth’. It also represents the earth in its elemental form.It is one among the panchamahabhuta .It also represents an area or spot or the ground. The matter originated from prithvi is terms as ‘parthiva’ (of earthen origin). 

Prithvi, Kshma, kshiti, bhumi, bhu, dhara, dharati, dharitri, dharani, vasudha, vasundhara, urvi, achala, avani etc..


Prithvi mahabhuta exists in two forms: 
1.Nitya (eternal)
2.Anitya (ephemeral)
The paramanu(minute/subtle) form of prithvi mahabhuta is nitya(eternal). The secondary forms by combination of these paramanu are anitya (ephemeral).

A substance with predominance of prithvi mahabhuta possess the following characteristics: 

Heavy (guru)

Rough (khara)

Hard (kathina)

Slow (manda)

Stable (sthira)

Clear/Non slimy (vishada)

Dense (sandra)

Gross (sthula)

Smell (gandha)

Kharatva (hardness) is the characteristic feature of prithvi mahabhuta 

Prithvi is one among important components of the fundamental constitution of garbha(fetus).During embryogenesis, prithvi mahabhuta is responsible for solid structures or body mass of the embryo

It is also responsible for the functions like development and sensation of smell, heaviness, firmness, steadiness and material form.The strong, big stature and forgiveness in an individual are due to the predominance of prithvi mahabhuta.

The peculiar raw or musty smell of blood is due to prithvi mahabhuta.Prithvi mahabhuta maintains proper composition, binding, heaviness, compactness and stability in body componentsPrithvi and vayu mahabhuta are responsible for black (krishna) complexion.


The development of mass, compactness, binding, heaviness and stability/firmness in the body are decided by prithvi mahabhuta.Abnormalities in these functions are used to assess the varying proportions of prithvi mahabhuta in the body.


The substances which are heavy (guru) to digest have a predominance of prithvi and jala mahabhuta. Its overuse result in hampering the agni (digestion).

The quantity of food is determined by inherent nature of food (light or heavy to digest) based upon fundamental panchabhautik composition and digestive capacity of an individual.
In the manifestation and differentiation of rasa (taste), prithvi mahabhuta is one among the material substance. It is the source or abode for all earthen elements.

By wisely prescribing the drugs having these rasas, one can treat various abnormal conditions of doshas.
Medicines for therapeutic purgation (virechana) have predominance of prithvi mahabhuta with jala mahabhuta. Inherent property of gurutva (heaviness) causes the downward movement of these medicines leading to purgation.
The parthiva bhutagni selectively carries out digestion and metabolism of food substances having dominance of prithvi mahabhuta. It nourishes the respective constituents in the body

Therefore in case of any abnormality or disequilibrium of prithvi components in the body, this agni needs to be corrected.

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