Wednesday, July 8, 2020

🔘 Swarasa Kalpana


- Panchavidha kashaya kalpana:-

-अथातः स्वरस: कल्क: क्वाथश्च हिमफाण्टकौ ।
ज्ञेया कषाया: पञ्चैते लघवः स्युर्यथोत्तरम् ।।   

- There are the basic preparations of bhaisajya kalpana which are accepted and followed. 
- Guruta and viryata descend the order given below i.e, Swarasa is most potent and guru but phanta is least potent and guru
1. Swarasa(expressed juice)
2. Kalka(Paste)
3. Kwatha(decoction)
4. Hima(cold infusion)
5. Phanta(hot infusion).
- Firstly We will seen swarasa kalpana in detail.



• Swarasa is the freshly extracted juice of a plant or a specific plant part.
• यन्त्रनिष्पीडितात् द्रव्यात् रसः स्वरस उच्यते । 
• Mechanically expressed juice of a plant is also called the swarasa
• Jaliyamsa and parthivamsa predominant drugs are preferred for the preparation of the swarasa.
• It is most potent and guru among all five kashaya kalpanas.


• Four different methods are employed for swarasa extraction:-

1. For freshly collected drugs:-
• The juice strained through a clean cloth by freshly collected and properly pounded drugs

• अहतात् तत्क्षणात् कृष्टाद् द्रव्यात् क्षुण्णात् समुद्धरेत्।
वस्त्रनिष्पीडितो यः स रसः स्वरस उच्यते।।
• The term 'ahatat' means drug not killed by any of the external factors like snow, fire,worm infestation etc
• 'Tatkshanata' means instantly collected
• 'Kshunnat' means pounded
• ‘samuddhareta’ is taken out after pounding
• So the drug is collected, cleaned, pounded and later strained through a clean cloth to obtain swarasa.

2. In case of dry drugs:-
• One part coarse powder of the drug is kept soaked overnight in double quantity of water and next morning it is macerated well to filter through a cloth.

3. In case very hard drugs:-
• To one part coarse powder of the 8times of water is added. It is boiled and reduced to 1/4th on mild to moderate fire.

4. In case of fibrous drugs(Putapaka method):-
• The kalka of the drug is prepared. 
• It is wrapped with larger non poisonous leaves(palasha,vata,gambhari,jambu etc.) and tied on all sides with cotton thread.
• Over this ball of kalka and covered leaves an angula thick mud is smeared.
• This mud ball is dried in shade and backed over burning charcoal until red-hot.
• Later it is rolled out of fire and allowed to cool.
• Before it is completely cool, the layers are removed one by one and the kalka is strained through a clean cloth to get putapaka swarasa.
• It is given in 1pala dosage along with 1kola madhu or along with appropriate kalka,churna,drava etc.


• Method 1(niragnisiddha swarasa):- 1/2pala
• Method 2(niragnisiddha/nishoshita swarasa):- 1pala
• Method 3 and 4 (saagnisiddha swarasa):- 1pala

• The swarasa prepared with first method will be guru for digetion. Therefore dosage is half pala
• Whereas in other method swarasa is laghu for digetion, so dosage us 1pala.


• To put more palatability and imrove the action honey, sugar candy, kshara, jeeraka, lavana, ghrita, taila and other churnas are put in one kola quantity


• All swarasa preparations are meant only for instant use.
• They are used soon after they are prepared.

• Guruta and viryata of swarasa are maximum in comparison with other kashaya kalpana
• It is readily used as anupana along with other forms of medication
• Used as bhavana dravya in different preparations
• Used in shodhana and marana of rasa dravyas
• Used in preparation of many 'secondary preparations'.


1. Ardraka swarasa
2. Tulasi and dronapushpi swarasa
3. Vasa putapaka
4. Syonaka putapaka

1. Ardraka swarasa:-

- Method of preparation:-

• Desired quantity of freshly collected ardraka is washed property and wiped.
• It is pounded to fine paste form in a clean khalva yantra.
• The paste obtained is squeezed into another clean vessel through a clean cotton cloth. It is known as ardraka swarasa.

- Dose and anupana:-

• ½ pala is administered along with 1kola of honey.

- Indications:-

• It cures Kasa, shwasa, aruchi, Pratishyaya etc. diseases.

2. Tulasi and dronapushpi swarasa:-

- Method of preparation:-

• Desired quantity of freshly collected tulasi or dronapushpa are washed properly and wiped. 
• They are pounded to fine paste form in a clean khalva yantra
• The paste obtained is squeezed into another clean vessel through a clean cotton cloth.It is known as tulasi swarasa or dronapushpa swarasa.

- Dose and anupana:- ½ pala along with 1kola of maricha churna

- Indications:- Both tulasi and dronapushpa swarasa is beneficial to treat vishama jwara.

3. Vasa putapaka:-

- Ingredients:-

1. Vasapatra kalka:- 100 to 200 gms
2. Leaves of palasha,vata,gambhari,jambu etc.:- To cover the kalka
3. Cotton thread:- To tie after covering with leaves
4. Mud:- To smear on the prepared ball

- Method of preparation:-

• General putapaka swarasa method explained earlier.

- Dose and anupana:- 1pala along with one kola of honey.

- Indications:- 

• It is found beneficial in cases or Raktapitta, kasa, shwasa, vishama jwara and kshaya.

4.Shyonaka putapaka:-

- Ingredients:-

1. Shyonaka twak kalka:- 100 to 200 gms
2. Leaves of kashmari:- To cover the kalka
3. Cotton thread:- To tie after covering with leaves
4. Mud:- To smeared on the prepared ball

- Method of preparation:-

• General putapaka swarasa method explained earlier.

- Dose and anupana:- 1pala along with 1kola of honey

- Indications:- It is beneficial in all types of udara rogas.

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