Monday, June 29, 2020

Tridosha in ayurveda

The ayurved is the science of understanding our nature or our constitution is the science of tridosha . tridosha defines the 3 fundamental energies or principal which govern the function of our bodies on the physical & emotional level.

The 3 energies are known a vata , pitta & kapha . Each individual has a unique balance of all 3 of this energies .

1) vata dosha :- 

 The vat dosha made up of the air & ether elements . It's means that it has qualities which are similar to these elements .

- properties of vata :- 

1) light 
6)non sliminess 

- function of vata :- 

In its normal state, Vata causes enthusiasm, – Hence a Vata body person will be overly enthusiastic. He wants to do new things. He can not settle at one decision.
Vata regulates activities of mind like initiation of thinking, analyzing, understanding etc.
Vata regulates speech.

Vata is responsible for initiation of natural urges (tears, faeces, urination, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, yawning etc)
Hence, constipation, difficulty in urination, excessive cough, vomiting etc are influenced by Vata Dosha.

Maintenance of the Dhatus (tissues) in their normalcy
Proper functioning of sense organs.

- location of vata :- in human body vata is located below the umbilical region .

- Types of vata :- 

1) prana :- located in brain , head , throat , heart & respiratory organs .

2) udan :- located in the navel , lungs & throat .

3) saman :- located in stomach & small intestine .

4) apan :- located between navel & anus .

5) vyan :- located in whole body .

2) pitta dosha :- 

The pitta dosha is made up of fire & water elements. fire is more predominant . Pitta nature have many of the qualities of fire within them .

- properties of pitta :- 

It's also somewhat volatile & oily .

- function of pitta :- 

In its normal state Pitta causes digestion and metabolism
Pitta is like fire.
Hence Pitta is directly involved with digestion and metabolism
Maintenance of body temperature
Causes hunger, thirst, appetite 
Maintains skin complexion and quality
Intelligence, courage, valor.

- location of pitta :- pitta located in lower stomach & small intestine .

- types of pitta :- 

1)pachak :- located between lower stomach and small intestine .

2) ranjak :- located in liver , gallbladder & spleen .

3)alochak :- located in eyes .

4)sadhak :- located in heart .

5) bhrajak :- located in skin .

3) kapha dosha :- 

The kapha dosha there is predominance of water & earth elements. So the qualities of kapha dosha is related to water & earth .

- properties of kapha :- 

1) cold 
3) stable 

- function of kapha :- 

Kapha confers stability and compactness. The compactness and stability of the cells and tissues, of joints, stability in thought process of the mind, etc are due to Kapha.
Kapha Dosha confers lubrication, compactness (firmness) of the joints.
Kapha Dosha also imbibes forgiveness quality in a person.
Suppose you get angry (which is due to Pitta), you try to control and you succeed. That quality is because of Kapha.

- location of kapha :- in human body kapha located in region above the neck .

- Type of kapha :- 

1) kledak :- located in upper part of the stomach .

2) avalambak :- located in chest , heart & lungs .

3) trapak :- located in head , sinuses & cerebraspinal fluid .

4) bodhak :- located in tongue , mouth & throat .

5) sleshk :- located in between joints of body.

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