Sunday, November 29, 2020




- Word derivation of Prameha Theword, Prameha is derived from the root 'mih sechane' meaning' 'watering' In reference to disease of human beings, it many have a meaning of passing urine, qualified by prefix ‘Pra' meaning excess in both frequency and quantity.

- Prameha is derived form Pra+Miha. A condition characterized by excessive outflow of urine (shabda kalpadruma).

👉🏻Characteristic feature:-

- Frequent urge to pass urine (which may be excessive or scanty) is the cardinal feature of Prameha.

 👉🏻 General Causes:-

1. Asyasukha (excessive food intake)

2. Swapnasukha (excessive sleep)

3. Dadhi (curd)

4. Gramya mamsa (meat of domestic


5. Oudaka mamsa (aquatic animals).

6. Anupa mamsa (marshy animals).

7. Payamsi (milk and milk products).

8. Navanna (new grains)

9. Gudavikriti (jaggery and its products).

10. Kaphakara ahara (food and beverages increasing kapha dosha).

11. Avyayama (sedentary life).

12. Alasya (laziness).

13.Sheeta-snigdha-madhura ahara (old, unctuous and sweet substances).

14. Dravanna (excess liquid diet) etc.

👉🏻 Origin of the disease:-

- Due to the above said  factors, Kapha

dosha is dominantly aggravated (in

association with other doshas) and

they affect medas (fat), mamsa

(flesh), udaka (lymphatic channel/

endocrinal secretions) etc. Due to the

abnormal digestion, the afflicted

dhatus (tissues and their derivatives)

are driven towards urinary system and

the disease prameha is resulted.

Based upon the dosha involvement

their degree of affliction and gradation

of the illness, various signs and

symptoms are resulted.

 According to the features, different names are


👉🏻 Types of Prameha:-

- Two main types of Prameha are

described - sahaja and doshaja.

- Sahaja refers to natural, which are

originated due to the precipitating

factors from the inherited or

congenital factors.

- Doshaja are the results of dosha


- Based on the clinical importance, two

types are specified as

- Sthoola prameha (urinary disorders

of stouts).

- Krisha prameha (urinary disorders

of lean).

👉🏻 Components of Prameha:-

- Prameha is caused by vitiation of all the doshas and many other components of the body, many of which are the important tissues of thebody. 

They are -

- Excessively increased -Free fat





-Bone marrow


-Water ingredients of the body / fluid


-Muscle fat


-Essence of all the tissues.

👉🏻 Clinical features:-


👉🏻  Features of Kaphaja prameha:-

1. Udaka meha – The urine is transparent (accha), excess (bahu),

white (sita), cold (sheeta), odourless

(nirgandha), similar to water (udakopama), turbid (avila) and slimy


2. Ikshu meha - The urine is very sweet and similar to sugar cane juice (ikshurasavat madhura). It is slimy

and turbid in nature.

3. Sandra meha – The urine is dense

(sandra) and it precipitates when

allowed to settle down when kept overnight (paryushita sandra).

4. Sura meha - In this condition, the urine appears similar to arrack (sura).The supernatant part appears clear

and the lower part will be dense and


5. Pishta meha – In this condition, the person feels horripilation on urination and the urine is white (sita) like the

paste of the fine grain flour (pishtavat).

6. Shukra meha - The urine appears like semen (shukrabha) or mixed with semen (shukramishra).

7. Sikata meha - In this condition, the urinary gravels appearing like sand particles are expelled out.

8. Sheeta meha - Excess amount of

urination which is sweet (madhura).and cold (sheeta) in nature is found in

this condition.

9. Shanair meha - Little by little, repeated, slow urination is complained of in this disease.

10. Lala meha - The urine appears similar to saliva (lalatantrayuta) and is slimy (picchila) in nature.

👉🏻 Features of Pittaja prameha:-

1. Kshara meha – Here, the urine has

the odour, colour, taste and texture of

alkaline solution (ksharatoyavat).

2. Kala meha - Large quantity of black coloured urine, just like burnt coal (masinibha) is found in Kalameha.

3. Neela meha - The urine which is

blue in colour similar to the feather of Blue jay bird(chashapakshanibha) is complained of in this condition.

4. Rakta meha - Here, urine will have

the colour and smell of blood and is salty in taste.

5. Manjishta meha - Manjishta (Rubia

cordifolia) is a drug which gives dark

red coloured decoction or fresh juice.

Here, the urine will have bad smell

(visra gandha) and the urine appears

similar to the decoction of manjishta.

6. Haridra meha - In this particular kind of prameha, the urine will be pungent (katu), has dark yellow color

similar to turmeric (haridranibha) andassociated with burning sensation.

👉🏻 Features of Vataja prameha:-

1. Vasa meha - In vasa meha, the person passes the urine repeatedly

which is mixed with fatty oil and often

appears turbid and sticky similar to


2. Majja meha - Here, urine will have

the appearance similar to marrow and

it is excreted frequently.

3. Hasti meha - In this condition of Hastimeha, urine is often excreted

like an intoxicated elephant (mattahastiriva ajasrammutra) without force. In few of the cases

lymph with clots are also found.

4. Madhu meha - Acharya Charaka

anlaised that there explained that the roughness of

aggravated vatadosha transforms the

sweet taste of ojas into astringent

taste and expels out along with the

urine, thus causing Madhumeha.

Urine with astringent mixed sweet

taste, pale colour and unctuousness

are the features of this condition.

Acharya Vagbhata opines that all

pramehas if neglected or not treated

properly, ultimately they reach the

terminal stage-madhumeha.

👉🏻 Complications:-

1. Thrishna (thirst)

2. Atisara (diarrhoea)

3. Jwara (fever)

4. Daha (burning)

5. Dourbalya (debility)

6. Aruchi (anorexia)

7. Avipaka (indigestion)

8. Pootimamsa (bad odour)

9. Pramehapidaka (diabetic


10. Alaji (cellulitis)

11. Vidradhi (abscess)

12. Hrit shola (cardiac pain)

13. Makshikopasarpana (neuritis) etc.

👉🏻 *Formulations* referred in Prameha (in


1. Asanadi kashaya

2. Nishakhadiradi kashaya

3. Kathakakhadhiradi kashaya

4. Triphala kashaya

5. Chandraprabhavati

6. Lodhrasava

7. Jambwasava

8. Shilajaturasayana

9. Vasantakusumakara rasa

10. Mahamanjishtadi kashaya.

 *Wholesome diet habits* 

1. Shigru - drum stick

2. Haridra – turmeric

3. Amalaki - goose berry

4. Shyamaka - Setaria italica (L.)


5. Kodrava - Echinochloa frumentacea


6. Yava – barley

7. Godhuma - wheat

8. Mudga - green gram

9. Kulattha - horse gram

10. Patola - snake gourd

11. Karavellaka - bitter gourd

12. Maricha - pepper

13. Lashuna - garlic

14. Jambu - blue berry

15. Vyayama - exercise etc

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