Tuesday, August 4, 2020



👉🏻 Duration:-

- Mid-September to 

👉🏻 Environmental changes:-

- During 
this season, the Sun turns out to be 
splendid, the sky stays clear and 
sometimes with white cloud, and the 
earth is smeared with wet mud. 
Because of hotness of sun atmosphere 
is also very hot and penetrating. 

👉🏻Bodily changes:-

- The prevalent 
Rasa is Lavana (salty) and 
transcendent Mahabhutas are Apa and 
Agni. The strength and energy of an individual stays medium.The pitta dosha which 
accumulated in varsha ritu is provoked by hot sun leading to Piita prakopa.The agni is 
also deficient due to vitiation of pitta.


- Foods having Madhura (sweet) and Tikta (sharp) taste, and of Laghu 
(light to process) and cold properties should be eaten.Foods having the properties to 
mollify vitiated Pitta are advised. Wheat, green gram, sugar sweet,Patola 
(Trichosanthes diocia), meat of animals from dry land (Jangala Mamsa) is to be 
incorporated into the eating routine.

👉🏻Apathya ahara:- 

- Hot, bitter, sweet, and astringent foods are to be stayed away from.

- The food products, such as fat, oils, meat of aquatic creatures, curds, and so on should 
be excluded from the diet amid this season. 

👉🏻 Vihara(Lifestyle):-

- Habit of eating food, just when there is a feeling of hunger is 
suggested.It is suggested to wear flower garlands and to apply paste of Chandana 
(Santalum collection) on the body. It is said that moon beams in the initial 3 hours of 
night is favorable for wellbeing. 

👉🏻 Other viharas including treatment procedures:-

- Restorative methods, for excrete 
aggrivated pitta from body like virechana and Raktamokshana therapy.

👉🏻Apathya vihara:-

- Napping during the day, exposure to sun light and excessive eating 
should be avoided during this season. 

👉🏻 Hamsodaka:- 

- The water which gets heated by the hot rays of the sun during day and 
cooled by the cold rays of the moon during night for many days and detoxicated by 
rise of the star Agatsya which is uncontamined, pure and capable of mitigating the 
malas is known as 'Hamsodaka'. It is neither abhishyandi nor dry such water is like 
nectar(amrita) for drinking and other purposes. 

👉🏻Predominant rasa:-

👉🏻Predominant guna:- Ushna,Tikshna,Ruksha
👉🏻Dehabala and agnibala:- Madhyama(Moderate) 

👉🏻 Effect on doshas:- Pitta prakopa 

👉🏻 Rashi of sun:- Kanya,Tula 

👉🏻Common disorders during season:-

- Problems that can occur in autumn season due to 
pitta vitiation are:- Pitta predominant disorders,fevers may be vata kapha dominant 
type,Heamoptysis, Migraines and headache, delirium, Hyperacidity, gastritis,blood 
and skin disorders, constipation & incomplete evacuation of bowels,low digestive 
function, anorexia etc. 

👉🏻 Importance of following proper regimen:- 

- In this season there is chance to 
occurance of mainly Piita vitiating disorders like Hyperacidity,fever,blood disorders 
etc. due to pitta prakopa. For prevention of these disorders pitta shamaka ahara and 
vihara like Tikta ghrita,shali,mudga,sheeta,madhu etc. which has opposite features 
from pitta should be taken. So if person follow proper diet and regimen of sharada 
ritucharya it will prevent the diseases.

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