Wednesday, July 1, 2020

🔘 National doctors day 👩‍⚕️

The white coat of dignity and pride holds much more value and importance as it’s said that we can pay the doctor to resolve our troubles but for their kindness, we remain in debt.

On July 1st every year, National Doctor’s Day is celebrated across India to respect the profession of Doctors who selflessly act every day as a caregiver and savior. Every day, they deal with life and death issues and that’s why regarded as second to god on this earth.

A doctor should have the union of 3 qualities – novelty, charity, and utility. Their day’s journey may seem hard initially, but their act of perseverance and dedication wins a life at the end. For this reason, in a medical profession, one may never think at the end of the day that they haven’t done anything valuable, because the truth is, they did.

The awe of bringing a life to the world, the honor of being trusted, and the gratitude of helping people with illness, can only be achieved by Doctors, undoubtedly. There are innumerable captions a doctor deserves for their understanding, courage and saving humankind in one or more ways. This day is moreover, a kind of awareness day to let people know about the roles and precious care of doctors.

As per Ayurveda medical profession is a noble profession, the ultimate goal of this profession is not to attain the wealth only, but it is for the welfare of all the living beings. A physician should be a learned scholar and should have efficacy in both-theoretical as well as practical knowledge. Only the real physician is able to fulfill both the aspects of Ayurveda i.e. Swasthasyaswasthyarakshanam – the preventive aspect and Aaturasyavikaaraprashamanam – the curative aspect.

For a physician who possesses below six qualities, no disease is incurable. Those six qualities are –
Vidya – Education,
Vitarka – critical approach, analytical mind
Vijnana – insightful understanding, special knowledge
Smruti – good memory
Tatparata – perseverance
Kriya – practical knowledge

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