Friday, July 17, 2020

๐Ÿ”˜ Dincharya



Dincharya is composed of two words ; 
     1. Din - a day or day time 
     2. Charya - duties , regimen , action to be carried .

The regimens done daily called as dincharya .


- One desirous of long healthy life should get up in brahmam muhurta i.e. around 48 minutes before the sunrise .
- protect to the life & health .
- keep the mind & organ healthy.
- food is digested well.
- Body get fresh oxygen.
- The pure oxygen is mixed with blood to get proper haemoglobin .
- ISHTA DARSHANA - is good for the mangal karma.
- HASTA DARSHANA - laxmi prapti , vidhya prapti & vignan prapti .
- GHRUTA DARPANA PRAYOGA - for prolong life , avoids mental confliction .


- Drinks 8 prastuti (768 ml ) of water at the time of early sunrise .
- chaksushya 
- Medha shakti prapti .
- Avoid / prevent from the arsha.
- Does not suffer from sotha , jwara , udara roga , constipation etc....


- Elimination the mala & mutra .
- prevent all the disease .
- Keep the body clean .
- Kranti , balapradan , aayushya , vrushya , chaksushya .


- One should after Elimination , clean the parts with lumps of mud , which is clean & has no defects ( thorn , stones ) with pure water drawn out along with mud cleanly to remove the particles & smell in a way that water is not sprinkled on the body .


- One should do achmana after following acts - 

1. Touching the blood , fat , tissue ,excreta .
2. After cutting nails .
3. After taking bath .
4. Before & after food .
5. After sneezing .
6. Getting up from sleep .
7. After travel or walking .
8. At the time of worship of God .

- One should facing east or north in lonely place & not keeping the hands beyond knees , not looking at the other thing , silently wearing an upper garment achmana should be done with pure water .


- One should clean his teeth in two times morning & night after intake of food with twinges of arka , vata , khadira , Karanja & Arjuna .

- Power of jivanti mixed with madhu , trikatu , triphala & trijataka , oil , kushtha churna & saindhava lavan should be used daily for cleaning teeth .
- It remove impurities from mouth , tounge & teeth.
- Alleviate kapha & pitta .
Improves eye sight .

1. indigestion (ajeerna) 
2. Vomiting ( chardi ) 
3. swaythu 
4. Kasa 
5. Swasa 
6. Jwara 
7. Trushna 
8. Ardita 
9. mouth ulceration 
10. Disease of heart , eyes & ears .


- Made of silver , gold or plants .
- Soft , smooth and 10 angula long .
- Removes impurities of tounge .
- Remove bad smell , coating of tongue , which accumulated root of tongue .
- Improves the taste .

๐Ÿ‘‰ ANJANA :- 

1. Sauviranjana :- Daily applied .
2. Rasanjana :- One in 5th or 8th day at night .

- Kapha may cause damage to eyes . Heance kaphakara chikitsa are specific for eyes .
- Tikshna anjana should not be applied to the eyes during day time .
- Srava anjana should be applied only in nisha kala ( night time ).

1. It cleans the eyes .
2. Improves vision 
3. Generate a shine & twinkle in eyes .
4. Protect & cures various eye disease .

1. Ratrijaagarana 
2. Jwara 
3. Chardi 
4. Shira snana 


- Pratimarsha nasya has been adviced to use daily , usually anu taila is used for this purpose .
- Nasya means administration of medicated oil or ghee through the nostrils .
- It pacifies the vata dosha & give unctuousness to head & neck region , so it prevents mainly the degenerative disorders of brains & sense organs .

- It prevent :-
1. Khalitya 
2. Palitya 
3. Manyastambh 
4. Hanustambh 
5. Shirashoda 
6. Ardita 
7. Peenas
8. Other vataja disorders 


- mouth is completely filled with GANDUSHA dravya & kept without movement is called gandusha.

- TYPES :- 
1.snigdha - for vata dosha 
2. Samana - for pitta dosha 
3. Sodhana - for kapha dosha 
4. Ropana - for vrana 

- DRAVYA :- 
1. Sneha 
2. Dugdh 
3. Madhu 
4. Meat juice 
5. Urine 
6. Sour gruel 
7. Ushnodaka 
8. Kwatha 

- METHOD :- 

- Should be done with concentration sitting erect , liquid should be kept in full mouth till dosha gets filled in mouth or before discharge from nasal passages & eyes , after that liquid should be spit out .

1. Removes kapha , trushna , mala = cold water .
2. Removes kapha , aruchi , strengthen teeth, lightness in mouth = warm water .

2. KAVALA :- 
 - The dravya used moves easily in mouth called as kavvala.

- METHOD :- 
- Same as gandusha expect in amount is less & movement is done .


- Cleanses the mouth 
- Remove bad odour 
- make mouth fragrant
- Saundrya vardhana 
- Good for heart 


- It is useful in vata & kapha dosha .

- KALA :- After snana , bhojana , tongue scraping , Nasya , anjana , sleep , brushing the teeth & sneezing .

1. Prayogic - twice 
2. Snaihika - Once in vata vriddhi 
3. Vairechanik - 3 to 4 times in kapha vriddhi .

1. Clarity of hridya , kantha & indriya 
2. Shira laghuta 
3. Dosha shamana 

1. Garbhini 
2. Shrama 
3. Mada 
4. Ama 
5. Trushna 
6. Basti 
7. Virechana 
8. Kshata 
9. Kshina 
10. Madya 
11. Timira 
12. Bhrama etc.....

1. Vairechanik - 24 angula 
2. Snaihika - 32 angula 
3. Prayogic - 36 angula 

1. Shape - yava 
2. Length - 8 angula 
3. Thickness - angushtha sama 

1. Relieves heaviness of head.
2. Relieves hoarseness of voice. 
3. Relieves Rhinitis & neck stiffness .
4. Relieves pain in the eyes & ears.
5. Relieves cough , hiccough , dyspnoea , lock jaw .
6. Relieves obstruction of the throat.
7. Strengthen the teeth.

To be continue... 

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