Sunday, May 9, 2021

🔘 Kati Basti


Introduction :

In Sanskrit, ‘Kati’ means lower back and ‘Basti’ means to retain.
It is a type of local snigdha sweda where warm oil is kept at the kati pradesha for a prescribed time. 
The patient lies in prone position and the katipradesha is encircled with thick black gram paste for retention of the oil.
It acts effectively as it is applied at the site of lesion.
It is a samana procedure.  

Indication :

Chronic Backache
Degenerative spine changes
Compressed discs and spinal nerves
Disc prolapse
Osteoarthritis of the hip
Rheumatic arthritis
Lumbar spondylitis

Contra Indication :

Acute inflammatory condition
In a patient who are unable to lie in prone position for 30 minutes.

Commonly used medicated oil:

Mahanarayana taila
Dhanvantara taila
Vishagarbha taila
Karpasastyadi taila
Nirgundi taila
Muriveena taila
Bala ashwagandha taila
Bala taila
Sahacharadi taila

Materials required:

Black gram flour- 250g
Suitable oil- 150-250ml
Vessel- 3
Cotton- Q.S.
Hot waterbath-1

Pre-operative procedure:

The black gram flour is well mixed with sufficient quantity of warm water into a thick paste. 

It is then made into flat slab-like structure having length about 45 - 60 cm, thickness of 3 cm and height of 5 cm or Steel or plastic rings can also be used.

Patient should lie in comfortable prone position exposing the kati. 

The prepared dough is fixed to the area in circular shape, taking care not to cause any leakage of oil. 

The oil should be warmed over the hot water bath and poured slowly inside the ring. 

Its temperature must be maintained at 40oC - 45oC, by replacing a small quantity after reheating. 

After the prescribed time, oil should be removed with the help of cotton. 
Post-operative procedure:

After removing the dough, the body part is cleaned with lukewarm water and the patient is allowed to take rest.

30 minutes usually it is done for 7 days.

Leakage is to be prevented by pasting the dough firmly over the area.
Uniform temperature must be maintained throughout the procedure.
Be cautious about the temperature of the oil while reheating to avoid burns.

Complications and management:
Burns - Stop the procedure and do agni dagdha chikitsa like application of aloe vera gel, haridra mixed ghruta, shatadhoutha ghruta.


Kati  Basti  is  most  often  recommended  in  condition  like chronic  back  pain,  arthritis, stiffness of the joints and even muscle pain. 

In these conditions Kati Basti may help to increase blood circulation to the affected area, gets rid of Dosha imbalances, strengthens the muscles in the area, helps the release of toxins and reduces inflammation. 

This also helps to tone muscles and improve the working of tissues within the body.

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