Friday, September 18, 2020



👉🏻 Defination:-

• समुद्भ्रमं बुद्धिमनःस्मृतीनामुन्मादमागन्तुनिजोत्थमाहुः|

- Unmada refers to excessive affliction of intellect, mind and memory

👉🏻 Types:-


👉🏻 Nidana:-

• विरुद्धदुष्टाशुचिभोजनानि प्रधर्षणं देवगुरुद्विजानाम्|
उन्मादहेतुर्भयहर्षपूर्वो मनोऽभिघातो विषमाश्च चेष्टाः|

- Food with incompatible, contaminated and unclean properties.

- Possession by spirits like gods, teachers and brahmanas

- Mental trauma due to recurrent exposure to fear or exhilaration and adopting difficult posture.

👉🏻 Purvaroopa:-

- Emptiness in head
- Congestion in eyes
- Noises in ears
- Hard breathing in excess
- Excessive salivation in the mouth
- Absence of inclination for food, anorexia and indigestion
- Spasm in cardiac region
- Meditation, fatigue, unconsciousness and anxiety in improper situations
- Continuous horripilation
- Frequent pyrexia
- Pain in the upper part of the body
- Manifestation of symptoms of facial paralysis resulting in movement in one half of the face.
- Frequent appearance of the following in dreams
Inauspicious objects that are wandering, moving and unstable.

👉🏻 Samprapti:-

- By nidana sevana the doshas get vitiated in the person possessing low level of sattva guna in turn vitiate hridaya, which is the seat of intellect. There from the channels carrying mental factors quickly delude the mind of the person and causes Unmada.

👉🏻 Samanya lakshana:-

- Perverted intellect, psychic agitation, restlessness in eyes, impatience, incoherent speech and feeling of emptiness in hridaya. 

- Thus, the person with deranged mind does not know pleasures, pain, ethics and eternal duties and does not get peace anywhere. 

- Therefore, he lets the mind wander here and there due to loss of memory, intellect and perceptions

👉🏻 Vishesha Lakhana:-

 *1. Vataja Unmada:-* 

• The distinctive features of vatika type of unmada are as follows:

- Constant wandering
Sudden spasm of eyes, eyebrows, lips, jaws, and irregular movements of shoulder, fore-arms and legs.

- Continuous, irrelevant and incoherent speech.

- Frothing from the mouth.

- Frequent smiling,laughing, dancing, singing and playing musical instruments in inappropriate situations.

- Loudly imitating the sounds of lute, flute, conch, samya and tala.

- Riding phantom vehicles.

- Adoration of self by false ornaments.

- Craving for food articles that are not available;
Disgust and hatred for food articles that are readily available.

- Emaciation and roughness.

 *2.Pittaja Unmada:-* 

- Intolerance, anger and excitement at inappropriate occasions.

- Inflicting injury on self or on others by weapons, brickbats, whips, sticks and fist.

- Running around

- Desire for shade, cold water and food having cooling effect.

- Prolonged anguish

- Ferocious eyes with coppery, green or yellow color

 *3.Kaphaja Unmada:-* 

- Prefers to live at one place

- Meek and mum, prefers not to speak

- Excessive salivation and nasal secretions

- Disinclination for food

- Prefers loneliness

- Frightening appearance

- Aversion for cleanliness

- Always drowsy

- Edematous face

- White and timid eyes full of dirt

 *4.Sannipataja Unmada:-* 

- In the unmada caused by the combined vitiation of all the three doshas, all the symptoms mentioned above are simultaneously manifested. 

- This type of unmada is considered to be incurable.

 *👉🏻 Agantuja Unmada:-* 

√ Nidana:-

- Possession by the gods, sages, gandharvas, pishachas, yakshas, rakshasas  and pitru

- Unmethodical performance of spiritual rituals and vows etc

- The deeds of past life  

√ Purvaroopa:-

- Desire for inflicting injury upon the gods, cows, Brahmins and ascetics.

- Anger and liking for mischievous work
Disliking attitude

- Impairment of Ojas Color complexion and physical strength and
Abuse and incitement by the gods.

√ Lakshana:-

- Untimely, uncertain and uncalled for manifestations

- Superhuman strength, valor, manliness, enthusiasm, power of understanding and retention, memory, spirituality, logical and scientific knowledge and power of speech.

- Celestial beings invisibly and swiftly enter into the body of a person by their own supernatural effect without affecting the body of the individual. 

- This simulates with as image enter the mirror and sunlight enters the sun-stone.

√ Chikitsa:-

- Incantation of mantras,
Wearing of gems and jewels according to astrological indications.

- Performance of auspicious and religious rites and sacrifices, oblations
Taking a vow, performing religious duties, penance, fasting, blessings, obeisance and pilgrimage.

👉🏻 Sadhyasadhyata:-

- Of the above varieties of unmadas, he who strikes at others or himself, without hesitation raising his hands with wrath and agitation should be considered as incurable.

- He who has tearful eyes, hemorrhage from penis, wounded tongue, running nose, a bruised skin, uninteractable hands, constantly groaning, deranged complexion, excessive thirst and foul smell should be known as maddened by a violent type of spirits (grahas) and should not be treated.

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