Thursday, September 3, 2020



👉đŸģ Normal requirements of nutrients for newborn infant and children:-

- The infants show a dramatic rate of growth in the 1st year of life. 

- It continues further, though at a comparatively lower level, after the age of 1 year upto the adolescence. 

- During this stage of growth there occurs marked
developmental change in the organ structure and function. Owing to their higher metabolic rates and nutrient turnover rates, as compared to adults,
failure to provide adequate mutrients during this period adversely effects the growth and development of the child.

👉đŸģ Satmya and Asatmya aahaara (compatible and incompatible diet):-

- Since infancy and childhood is the age of maximum growth and development, the most saatmya aahaara at this age is those having Madhura
rasa, Snigdha guna and Bramhana karma.

- Contrarily, this age group being a kapha predominant one the aahaara having above mentioned properties can lead to diseases in the child. 

- This paediatric age group generally presents
with kapha-vaata diseases.

- The diet has a major role to play in causation of
such diseases. Such food items in present day include:-

1.Fast foods
2.Chocolates, biscuits etc
3.Fried items eg chips etc.

- Such dietary items cause maximum kapha-vaata predominant diseases in the children. 

- So all such stuffs has to be avoided from the diet of the child.

- While classifying the dravyas acharyas mentioned 3 classes:-

- The dravyas coming under the swasthavritta group
comprises the saatmya or the hita-aahaara while the others are the asatmya aahaara.

👉đŸģ Examples:-

- Some examples quoted in the classics are as follows:-

1.Asaatmya aahaara:-

- This group includes the 18 types of virudhha or
incompatible food stuffs that lead to many diseases.

2.Saatmya aahaara:-
- Those foods which are free from the 18 incompatibilities as mentioned above and thus do not produce diseases on consumption falls under this group, especially on the basis of guru-laghu guna virudhha.

- Those foods which are not so guru are satm
ya for the child as Saali,shashtika, godhuma etc.

👉đŸģ Common food sources:-

√ Proteins:-

- Animal origin:- Milk, meat, egg, cheese, fish etc.
- Vegetable sources:- Pulses, cereals, beans, nuts, oil seed cakes

√ Fats:-

- Animal fats:- Ghee, butter, milk, cheese, eggsz fat of fish and meat etc.
- Vegetable fats:- Ground nut, mustard, sesame, coconut etc.

√ Carbohydrates:-

- Cereals, roots, tubers, fruits, sugars

√ Vitamins:-

• Vitamin A:-
- Animal liver, eros, butter, cheese, whole milk etc.
- Green leafy vegetables, papaya, mango, pumpkin etc.

• Vitamin D:-
- Sunlight
- Only in foods of animal origin liver, cee yolk, butter and cheese,

• Vitamin E:-
- Vegetable oils, cotton sced, sunflower veed, ese yolk and butter,

• Vitamin K:-
- Fresh green vegetables, cow's milk, fruits

• Thiamine:-
- Whole grain cereals, wheat, gram, yeast, pulues, sound nut

• Riboflavine:-
- Milk, egg, livet, kidney and green leafy vegetables

• Niacin:-
- Liver, kidney, mcat, poultry, fish, legumes, ground nut

• Vitamin B6:-
- Milk, liver, meat, egg yolk, fish, whole grain cereals, legumes and vegetables

• Pantothenic acid:-
- All foods contribute to dietary intake

• Folate:-
- Leafy vegetables
- Liver, mear, cs, fruits

• Vitamin B12:-
- Liver, kidney, meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese.

• Vitamin C:-
- Fresh fruits. green leafy vegetables,
- Germinating pulses

√ Minerals:-

• Calcium:-
- Milk and milk products
- Eggs and fish
- Millet, ragi

• Phosphorus:-
- All vegetable foods

• Sodium:-
- Added in food as sodium chloride

• Iron:-
- Liver, meat, poultry and fish (haem iron)
- Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, oil seeds (non haem iron)

• Iodine:-
- Sea foods
- Cod liver oil

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