👉🏻 Basonym -
रसेनाम्लेनोने इति |
पञ्चभिश्च रसैर्युक्तो रसेनाम्लेन वर्जितः ।
Rasona has got name because it is devoid of one Rasa ie Amla (Sour)
👉🏻 Synonyms -
1. Ugragandha - It possesses Strong offensive smell.
2. Mahaushadha - It cures many diseases
3. Arishta - helpful drug venous disease
4. Yavaneshta - It is liked by Foreigners
5. Rasonaka - As it is devoid of sour taste it is called rasonka.
👉🏻 Regional Names -
Hindi: Lashun
English: Garlic
Sanskrit: Lashuna
Gujarati: Lasan
👉🏻 Latin Name: Allium sativum Linn
👉🏻 Family: Liliaceae
👉🏻 Gana : Haritakyadi varga (Bhavaprakasha)
👉🏻 Habitat: It is cultivated all over India for commercial purposes.
👉🏻 Habit: An annual herb
👉🏻 Properties -
हृद्रोग जीर्णज्वर कुक्षिशूल विबन्धगुल्मारुचिकासशोफान् । दुर्नाम कुष्टानलसादजन्तुसमिरणश्वासकफाश्च हन्ति ॥ - भा.नि हरितक्यादि वर्ग २२१
Taste : Shad rasa mainly pungent, devoid of sour
Qualities : Heavy. unctuous. sharp. fluidity. sticky
Potency : Hot
Vipaka : Pungent
Effect on dosha : Alleviates Kapha & Vata dosha
👉🏻 Action -
Kasagna (useful in cough)
Shulaghna (best analgesic)
Kanthya (good for throat)
Swasaghna (remedy for asthma)
Shothaghna (relieves edema)
Kushtaghna (useful in skin diseases)
Ruchikara (gives taste)
Deepana (kindles the digestive fire)
Pachana (eases the digestion)
👉🏻 Action on Respiratory System -
1. It is considered as best drug for respiratory tract disorders like Asthma, Cough, Rhinitis, Hiccough by pungent taste and hot potency it clears the obstruction caused by Prana vayu and also removes foul smell of vitiated kapha dosha
2. When symptoms starts one should leak garlic paste mixed with ghruta it gives relief.
3. In children's cough caused by aggravated kapha, juice of garlic mixed with honey is beneficial,
4. In Rhinitis, hoarseness
5. of voice or throat disorders garlic is given mixed with food, Nasal instillation of 2-3 drops of juice of Garlic root is very useful in Asthma & Cough.
6. Garlic is very useful in all kind of vata disorders ex. Paralysis, Facial paralysis, Hemiplegia. Back ache, Sciatica & heart diseases also.
7. Consuming Garlic paste + Rock salt + Sesame oil gives good result in intermittent fever and vata disorders,
8. In Earache oil processed with garlic is beneficial in relieving ear pain.
9. In Visham Jwara garlic is given with taila or ghrita is beneficial.
10. In Hicough and Asthma juice of garlic + onion/sandal wood powder mixed with breast milk is beneficial.
11. In Colic Pain: garlic mixed with wine in morning on stomach is given, alleviate vata and kapha dosha & promotes digestive fire,
12. Rasona Ksheerapaka - Dehusked Garlic 160 gms should be boiled in milk along with eight times water. When only the milk remains this should be taken by patients. It alleviates upward movement of Vayu. Sciatica, intermittent fever, heart disease, abscess & Swelling.
👉🏻 Dosage-
Paste -3-5 gm
Oil - 1-3 Drops
👉🏻 Chemical composition -
Garlic bulb contains organosulfur compounds like
Volatile oil
👉🏻 Pharmacological actions
👉🏻 Formulations -
Rasonadi vati
Lashunadya ghrita
Vachalashunadi taila
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