Tuesday, August 18, 2020




द्रव्यमाद्रम शिलापिषट शुष्कं वा सजलम् भवेत I
प्रक्षेप- आवापकल्कास्तेतन्म आनं करशर्न्मितम ॥
(Sa Ma. Kha 5/1)

- The soft mass of the drug' prepared by pounding the drug in a clean khalva yantra is called as kalka .

- It can be prepared from both wet and dry drugs.

- In case of dry drugs desired quantity uf water is added te the fine powder of the drug and is triturated to homogenous kalka form.

- Parthivarnsa pradhana drugs are preferred e prepare kalka. Soft paste obtained along with juice after pounding the drug in khalva yantra is called as kalka

• यः पिडो रसपिष्टानां स कल्क: परिकीर्तितः ।

- The paste prepared by grinding the drug with the help of stone or teeth.

👉🏻 Synonyms:-

- Praksepa, avap,pinda, are its synonyms

👉🏻Kalka general method of preparation:-

- The 'selected drug' is properly washed and wiped with a clean dry

- The wiped drug is now taken in a clean khalva yantra.

- It is ground well into soft paste form devoid of any fibrous part. This fine fiber free paste is used for therapeutic purposes.

👉🏻Kalka- dosage and shelf life:-

- One karsha (12gm ) the general dosage of kalka. All types of kalka are meant for insant use.

👉🏻Kalka- prakshepaka dravya and their quantity:-

• कल्के मधु घृतं तैल देयं द्विगुणमात्रया। सितागुडं समौ दद्याद् द्रवा देयाश्चतुर्गुणाः॥
(Sā.Ma.Kha 5/2)

- Praksepaka dravya:-

1. Madhu, ghrta and taila:- Double

2.Sita' guda:- equal

3.Drava:- four times

👉🏻Kalka- general uses:

√ Kalka is less heavy for digestion in ccmparison with swarasa.
It is used in the preparation of many other secondary preparations.

√ It is also used as anupana (adjuvant) while administering other liquid or solid dosage forms.


1. Nimba kalka:

👉🏻Method of preparation:

- Required quantity of freshly collected 'nimba patra' are washed and wiped with a clean dry cloth.

- This wiped drug is pounded in a clean khalva yantra to fine paste form the fine paste obtained is collected and used for therapeutic purposes as 'nimba kalka'.

👉🏻Dosage, adjuvant and indication:-

- One karsa 12 gm of 'nimba kalka' is administered along with suitable adjuvant (guda, śarkarā or madhu) in suitable ratio.

- Its internal administration is found beneficial in case of chardi (vomiting), kuştha (skin diseases), pittaja and śleşmaja krimi (intestinal worms.
Its external application helps in keeping the wound clean (vrana śodhana) and hasters the wound healing process (vraņa-ropana).

2. Rasona kalka:-

👉🏻Method of preparation:

- Required quantity of well grown 'garlic bulbs (rasona or laśuna) are taken and their external covering is removed.
They soaked overnight in buttermilk. By soaking overnight in butter milk, the 'tiksnatā' of rasona (garlic) is reduced and the drug is purified.

- Next day the soaked garlic bulbs are collected, taken in a clean khalva yantra and pounded to fine paste form. 

- The fine paste is collected and for the therapeutic purposes as ' rasona kalka'.

👉🏻Dosage , adjuvant and indications :-

One karsa (12gm) of rason kalka is administered along with double quantity of Tila taila .

- It is useful in severe vataja rogas and visama Jwara.

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