Saturday, August 1, 2020



👉🏻 Duration:-

- Mid-May to Mid-

👉🏻Environmental changes:- 

- Intense heat, 
Wind blows south westerly 
asukaha(unpleasant),Earth is heated,Rivers 
are tanu with little streams; Shrubs,grasses 
and climbers are getting dried and fallen 
down, Lifeless plants and trees. 

👉🏻 Bodily changes:-

- In this season strength of an individual is less. Deposition of Vata 
Dosha happens but the Kapha Dosha is relaxed during this season. Agni of the person 
remains in mild condition. Lavana and food with Katu (pungent) and Amla (sour) taste 
and Ushna (warm) foods should be avoided. 


- Cereals which are of madhura rasa,Laghu, snigdha and sheeta guna is 

- Liquid preparations,Sakthu,Shali dhanya with jangala mamsa 
rasa,Raaga,Rasala,Shadava, Panchasara panaka,Sheetala ambu mixed with kapoor etc. 
should be taken.During night time Talisa churna vataka should be taken along with 
mahisha kshira mixed with sita(sugar) and made cold by chandra and nakshatras. 

👉🏻Apathya ahara:-

- Lavana and food with Katu (sharp) and Amla (acrid) taste and 
Ushna (warm) nourishments are to be avoided.Madhya should be avoided and if 
needed should drink less quantity of madhya added with more quantity of water. 

👉🏻 Vihara(lifestyle):-

- Diwaswapna,Days should be spent in forest having ruddha ushna 
rashmi with very tall trees acting as barrier for hot rays of the sun,At night should 
sleep in the terrace of the house with plenty of moonlight,Body anointed with 
chandana, wearing maala of karpura and mallika, clothing which are extremely thin. 

👉🏻Apathya viharas:-

- Vyayama,Vyavaya and exposure to sunrays. 

👉🏻Predominant rasa:- Katu 

👉🏻Predominant guna:- Ruksha,Ushna,Tikshna 

👉🏻Deha bala and agnibala:- Avara(Minimum) 

👉🏻Effect on dosha:-
Kapha prashamana and vata chaya 

👉🏻Rashi of sun:- Vrushabha and Mithuna
👉🏻Common disorders during season:- 

- There are various diseases associated with 
summer season,it does not mean that every individual is going to get affected with 
these disorders.Then also even though they are healthy or not can take the safety 
measures to prevent diseases.They are:- Dehydration,sunburn,heat stroke, Allergies, 
fungal infection,Skin rashes,Eyes irritation, Diarrhoea, chicken pocks etc. 

👉🏻Importance of following proper regimen:-

- Though there are excessive heat in 
grishma ritu various diseases related to heat is produced if one can not follow proper 
regimen. If person follow grishma Ritucharya properly like if he takes more 
water,fresh fruits and vegetables, Light and cool foods,Vitamin C etc.risk of 
Dehydration,sun stroke etc. diseases will be reduced.

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