Wednesday, July 22, 2020

🔘 Swedana Karma


👉🏻 Introduction -

Swedana is a process to induce sweating (sudation) artificially in a patient/volunteer who has already undergone Snehana.Swedana is of four types –
(i) Tapa Sweda
(ii) Ushma Sweda
(iii) Upnaha Sweda
(iv) Drava Sweda
Snehana and Swedana constitute Poorvakarmas. 
The patient is given Snehapana for 3-7 days depending upon the appearance of fat in stool which is considered as the end point of Snehana. Snehana is followed by Swedana and Swedana in turn is followed by Vamanaprocedure.

👉🏻Types of Swedana (on the basis of induction of heat):

1. Thermal (Sagni Sweda)-13 types
- Prastara
- Nadi
- Pariseka
- Avagaha
- Jentaka
- Ashmaghna
- Karshu
- Kuti
- Bhu
- Kumbhaka
- Kupa
- Holaka

2. Non Thermal (Niragni Sweda)-10 types
- Vyayam
-Ushna sadanam
- Guru pravanam
- Bahupanam
- Bhaya
- Krodha
- Ahva

👉🏻Types of Swedana (on the basis of application of heat):
1. Local (Ekanga Sweda)
2. General (Sarvanga Sweda)

👉🏻Types of Swedana (on the basis of nature of heat):
1. Moist heat (Snigdha Sweda)
2. Dry heat (Rooksha Sweda)

👉🏻Types of Swedana (on the basis of intensity of heat):
1. High Sweat (Maha Sweda)
2. Medium Sweat (Madhyama Sweda) 
3. Low Sweat (Durbala Sweda)

👉🏻General features of  Swedana Dravyas:
The medicines which produce Sweda are generally-Ushna, Tikshna, Sara, Snigdha, Sukshama, Rooksha, Sthira, drava ,Guru.

👉🏻Indications of Swedana:
According to Charaka, 
स्तम्भ गौरवशीतनं स्वेदन स्वेद कारकम् ॥ 
Swedana relieves - 
1. Stiffness (Stambhan) 
2. Heaviness (Gourava) 
3. Cold (Sheeta). 

👉🏻Indications of Swedana: 
-Following Snehana -Stiffness of the body
-Vatadosha/ Obstruction to Mala, Mutra and Shukra
-Prior to Panchakarma Procedures, as a Poorvakarma.
-Swedana is given to even infants by using warm hands.

👉🏻Contra indications of Swedana :
-Dagdha (burnt)
-Vishapeeta (Poisoned)
-Madapeeta ( alcoholic)
- Trishita ( thirsty)
- Nindranasha ( insomnia)
- Chhardi ( vomiting)
- Raktapitta ( bleeding disorders)
- Hridaya rogas ( Cardiac disease).

👉🏻 Sa-agni Sweda :

संकरः प्रस्तरो नाळी रिषेकोऽवगाहनम्। 
जेन्ताकोऽसमधन: कर्षू कुटी भू कुमिकैय च। 
कूपो होलाक इत्येते स्वेदयन्ति त्रयोदशः। 

(1) Sankara - 
Drug is made as a bolus (Pinda) & tied in a cloth and applied on the body after heating 

(2) Prastara - 
Over a stone the heated drugs are pores and on that the patient is made to lay-down. 

(3) Nadi - 
Steam is given through a pipe in this method. Shape of Nadi - Trunk of an elephant ( गजाग्रहस्त संस्थान) The pipe is required to be 1 or half Vyama Along with its proximal end, and 1/8th of Vyama in the distal end. The pipe should be curved in 2 or 3 places. Curvature of the pipe help to lessen the intensity of vapour so as to avoid burning sensation.

(4) Parisheka - 
Vata hara or vata-kapha hara drugs are pored all over the body in the liquid form.
(5) Avagaha - 
A tub should be filled up with Kashaya, milk, oil. ghee, meat juice or hot water that balances vata and the patient should take buth in it. (duration of Avagaha sweda - 1 Muhurta)

(6) Jentaka - 
A room (Kutagara) is constructed with small holes in the walls arang and the room is used for Swedana in Hemanta Ritu. The height and diameter of the building should be 16 x 16 aratanis Kutagara should be situated at a distance of 7-8 Aratanis from The water reservoir.

(7) Asmaghana - 
A compact slab of stone of the measurement of a man on it the vata hara drugs Are burnt and later removed. The same place is used to keep the patient so as to produce sweating.

(8) Karsu - 
Shallow girth (Kurshu) is made on the ground the heated drugs are pored into that Then the cot is placed over that for sweating 

(9) Kuti - 
In a hut patient is kept and fire is lit in all the four corners leading to sweating 

(10) Bhu - 
The process is similar to Asmaghane but is performed on the surface of the ordinary soil. 

(11) Kumbhi - 
A pot is dipped into the wind the patient is allowed to keep it beneath his chair etc. and is covered with a blanket forget the sweda totally.

(12) Kupa - 
A well-like pit of die width of a bed and twice as deep as width should be dug out in an auspicious place which is not exposed to wind. It should be filled with the dung of elephants, horses, cows, asses or camels and then ignited. A bed should then be placed over this well The person well- massaged and well-covered, lying on this bed gets comfortably fomented . 

(13) Holaka - 
similar to Kupa sweda but A heap of dung (of elephants, horses, cows, asses or camels) of the size of bed is to be ignited.

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