Friday, July 3, 2020




- Nidana panchaka regarded as the five basic tools for diagnosis of the disease i.e, Nidana, purvaroopa,roopa,upashaya and Samprapti.
- These help to reveal the disease process in detail and to initiate the treatment.
- Nidana panchakas are:-
1. Nidana
2. Purvaroopa
3. Roopa
4. Upashaya
5. Samprapti


- Nidana is etiological factor either it may be Aharaja, Viharaja, manasika and anya which is capable of manifestation of the disease after intake or expose to it either quickly or after certain period by vitiation of doshas.
- Synonyms:- Karana,Karta,Samutthana,Nimitta,hetu etc.

- Mainly 4types:- Sannikrushta, Viprakrushta, Vyabhichari and Pradhanika

1. Sannikrushta:-
• Cause nearer to the Disease or doshadushyasamurchhana is known as sannikrushta nidana.
• E.g. Factors like day, night,season and during digestion etc. is considered as sannikrushta nidana.,as they cause vitiation of doshas immediately.

2. Viprakrushta:-
• Cause away from the disease or doshadushyasamurchhana is known as Viprakrushta nidana.
• In the series of nidanaarthakara roga the primary disease act as Viprakrushta nidana to the secondary disease.
• E.g. Dosha-jwara-raktapitta here jwara is Viprakrushta nidana to Raktapitta not dosha, because the same dosha is responsible for both diseases.

3. Vyabhichari:-
• When dehabala or vyadhikshamatva is more than the bala or nidana then it is unable to produce the disease but cause the mild vitiation of doshadushyadi and these will remain in leenavashtha in the body and acts as a carrier, when favourable conditions arises then they manifest the disease.

4. Pradhanika:-
• Cause which produce the disease instantaneously like poison is known as Pradhanika nidana
• Agantuja nidana may be considered as Pradhanika nidana

- Trividha nidana are:- Asatmyaindriyartha samyoga, Prajnaparadha and Parinama.

1. Asatmyaindriyartha samyoga:-
• Improper concurrence of sense organs with their objects is known as Asatmyaindriyartha samyoga.
• The objects of sense organs is of five types and subdivided into Atiyoga,Ayoga and Heena yoga.So total 15types of Asatmyaindriyartha samyoga.

2. Prajnaparadha:-
• Vitiation of dhi(intellect), dhruti(restraint) and smriti (memory) as the result of improper utilisation of speech, body and mind is known as prajnaparadha.

3. Parinama:-
• Kala is parinama i.e, transforming or perversions, improper manifestation or alteration of normal features of rutu in form of Atiyoga, Ayoga and mithya yoga.

- Other types are:-
• Dwividha:-
- Utpadaka and Vyanjaka
- Bahya and Abhyantara
- Prakruta and vaikruta
- Anubandha and Anubandhya
- Prakruti and Vikruti
- Vyavhita and pratyasanna
• Ekvidha:- Ashayapakarsha

- Importance of nidana:-
• Helps in the diagnosis of the disease
• Helps in the differential diagnosis
• To know the Sadhyasadhyata of the disease.
• Helps to plan the treatment


- The clinical features which are manifested during the early process of doshadushyasamurchhana i.e, on the initial stage of samprapti by vitiating dosha dushya are called as purvaroopa.
- They provide a clue to the diagnosis of the forthcoming disease.
- Synonyms:- Agra lakshana,purogami,Utpatsyati

- Purvaroopa has two types based on diagnostic point of view:- Samanya and vishesha purvaroopa.

1. Samanya Purvaroopa:-
• Manifested during the initial stage of doshadushyasamurchhana
• Indicating the forthcoming disease without giving an idea of the involved dosha
• E.g. Fatigue, restlessness , discoloration of skin are Samanya purvaroopa of jwara.

2. Vishesha Purvaroopa:-
• Manifested during the initial stage of doshadushyasamurchhana.
• Indicate the forthcoming disease along with its involved doshas.
• Yawning in vataja jwara, Burning sensation in eyes in Pittaja jwara, Lack of taste in kaphaja jwara are vishesha Purvaroopa.

- Importance of purvaroopa:-
• Helps in the early diagnosis of the Disease.
• Helps to know the differential diagnosis.


The clinical features which are manifested during the inmost process of doshadushya samurchhana .i.e. in the peak stage of samprapti by vitiated doshadushya are called Roopa & they help in the definite & accurate diagnosis of the manifested disease .
When the poorvaroopa becomes visible or greater in intensity when disease is manifested is known as Roopa .

5) chinha 

- cardinal features Depending upon the intensity of the doshadushya samurchhana some times these are mild , moderate or severe form . Sometimes these are vyadhidoshavishesha or vyadhiatmavishesh .


Based on diagnosis point of view the Roopa is of two types i.e.1) samany  2) vishesha 

1) Samanya:- 

- The general signs & symptoms of a disease manifested during the peak stage of doshadushya samurchhana i.e. in the peak stage of samprapti .

-indicate the disease with its dosha predominant lakshana .

E.g. aruchi , daha , dehsada etc.... Of sannipatik jwara .

2) vishesha :- 

-The specific signs & symptoms of different types of the disease are manifested during the peak stage of doshadushya samurchhana i.e. in the peak stage of the samprapti .

-Indicate the atma (unique) lakshana of the disease irrespective of dosha .

-e.g. dehasanntap , shirsolotan of sannipatik jwara .


- Upashaya means relieving factors of a disease. Anupashaya is non relieving factors of a disease. Sometimes anupashaya may also play a role of aggrivating factor.
- For example when you give cold foods to a person having excess body heat and if the symptoms pacify, it is called as upashaya. In the same person if the cold things do not pacify the heat it is called anupashaya.

- It has 6types which is further divided into ahara,vihara and aushadha. So total 18types.

1. Hetu viparita:-
• Opposite to cause of the disease.
• Aushadha:- Use of ginger in fever caused due to excessive cold.
• Anna:- Use of meat soup in fever caused by vitiated vata.
• Vihara:- When kapha is increased due to excessive day sleeping keeping awake in the night is recommended.
2. Vyadhi Viparita:-
• Opposite to the disease.
• Aushadha:- Administration of patha as remedy of Diarrhoea
• Anna:- Administration of lentils to stop loose motions in Diarrhoea
• Vihara:- Pravahana to expel faeces.

3. Hetuvyadhi Viparita:-
• Opposite to both the cause and disease.
• Aushadha:- Administration pf dashamula kwatha in swelling caused by vata dosha
• Anna:- Administration of buttermilk in grahani
• Vihara:- Advocating wakefull nights,a drying activities on case of excessive sleep and consumption of fatty foods.

4. Hetu viparitarthakari:-
• Similar to cause of the disease
• Aushadha:- Administration of poultice and pitta increasing hot Potency herbs in the treatment pf inflammatory swelling caused by vitiated pitta
• Anna:- Foods which tends to produce heat and corrosion in the body is administered in the treatment of pittaja vrana.
• Vihara:- Causing fear in yhe patients suffering from insanity

• Similar to the disease
• Aushadha:- Administration of madanaphala in vomiting.
• Anna:- Administration of milk as a purgative in Diarrhoea
• Vihara:- Stimulation of root of the tongue to create vomiting sensation.

6. Hetuvyadhiviparita arthakari:-
• Aushadha:- Administration of aguru in treatment of burns
• Anna:- Administration of paishtika madya for treatment of madatyaya.
• Vihara:- Swimming in treatment of urustambha

- Importance of Upashaya:-
• Upashaya helps whem the sympotoms are hidden or not completely Manifested.
• It helps in differential diagnosis.
• Helps in treatment of diseases.


samprapti is the complete process of manifestation of the disease starting from the nidan-avstha till the vyakta-avstha .
- Sometimes continues till the bhedavstha of the disease or it's the complete process of qualitative & quantitative vitiation of the doshadushya samurchhana on the place of khavaigunya . 


It is the process of development of the disease by the vitiated dosha which are constantly circulating inside the body .(A.H.NI )

Disease manifest due to specific amalgamation of the vitiated dosha with khavaigunya & helps in understanding of such events is called as samprapti .(CHA.NI)

1) jati 


Acc. To characharya Samprapti classified into 6 types .

1) sankhya samprapti :- 

Understanding of the disease pathogenesis in the form of numbering is known as sankhya samprapti , like jwara is of 8 types , gulma is of 5 types & kustha is of 7 types etc.....

-Clinical importance :- 

- Probably the sankhya samprapti indicate that the normal ability of doshadushya samurchhana of the particular disease to exhibit it's clinical possibilities . E.g. gulma is five , means the doshadushya samurchhana of gulma have the ability to show only five clinical variation .

2)pradhanya samprapti :- 

Analysis of predominantly vitiated factors of pathogenesis among all is known as pradhanya samprapti . E.g. in case of two factors the word tara is used to denote it's dominancy with other 2 factors (anubandh & anubandhya ) .

-clinical importance :- 

There is no single kushtha which is manifested by ekdosha , even though all kushtha are tridoshaj clinically they were not same because the pradhanya samprapti of disease all kushtha were not same . In such case the pradhanya samprapti helps to know among 3 dosha which one is vitiated predominantly .

3)Vidhi samprapti :- 

Vidhi means variety of disease like 2 varities of disease i.e. nija & agantuj , 3 verities of disease based on their dosha vitiation four varieties of disease based on pathogenesis i.e. curable , incurable , mild & acute .

4) vikalpa samprapti :- 

The indicated the qualitative analysis of factors involved in the pathogenesis e.g. in case of vatajvikar , the vitiation of sheeta or ruksha or chala etc... Guna of vata in terms of its qualitative & functional changes can be understood by the vikalp samprapti .

-clinical importance :- 

It can be analysed by the clinical features like excessive dryness of skin is mainly because of vitiation of ruksha Guna of vata .

5) Bala samprapti :- 

Understanding of the strength of the disease based on different factors like hetu , desha , kala , cell ,tissue , organs involved etc.... Is known as bala samprapti .

-clinical importance :- 

If the qualities of involved factors are similar in nature indicated the more strength of the disease (kruchhasadhya ) Whereas dissimilar nature of the factors indicates the weak strength of the disease (sukhsadhya ).

6)kala samprapti :- 

The Indicates the time of aggravation of the disease in relation to seaso. , Various timing of the day , night & intake of food . Clinically the aggravation & relieving factors of the disease may be understood by this .

-clinical importance :- 

Kala samprapti helps to know the upashaya & anupashaya of the disease .

1. To know the causitive factors
2. To know the clinical features
3.To know the pathogenesis
4.To know the differential diagnosis and diagnosis
5.To know the stages of disease
6.To know the prognosis
7.To know the treatment
8.To know the complications
9.To know the arishta lakshana

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