👉🏻 Basonym -
हरि हरितं वर्ण हलीम खां द्वाति अपसारयति ।
Haridra is yellow in colour.
👉🏻 Synonyms -
1 कृमिघ्ना : Turmeric is efficacious anthelmintic drug
2 मेहघ्नी : Turmeric is very potent anti-diabetic drug
3. विषघ्नी : Turmeric is effective artificial poison
4. वर्ण विलासिता : Turmeric is useful to improve glow.
👉🏻 Regional Names -
English : Turmeric
Hindi : Haldi
Marathi : Halad
Gujarati : Halarda
Sanskrit : Haridra
👉🏻 Latin Name: Curcuma longa Linn
👉🏻 Family: Zingiberaceae
👉🏻 Gana : Kushtaghna Varga, Vishaghna Varga, Lekhaniya Varga
👉🏻 Habitat: Turmeric is cultivated all over India as a commercial crop.
👉🏻 Types : As per Bhavaprakash Nighantu it has four types
1. Haridra
2. Amra Haridra
3. Vana Haridra
4. Daruharidra
👉🏻 Properties -
हरिद्रा कटुका तिक्ता स्क्ोष्णा कफपित्तनुत । वा त्वग्दोषमेहास शोथपाण्डूव्रणापहा ॥
- भा.प.हरितक्यादि वर्ग १९६
Taste: Bitter, Pungent
Potency: Hot
Vipaka: Pungent
Qualities: Dry. Light
Action on Dosha: Alleviates Kapha and pitta
👉🏻 Action -
Varnya: Improves Complexion
Pramehahara: Anti-diabetic
Sothahara: Relives inflammation
Vranahara: Cures wounds
Kandughna: Relieves itching
Krimighna: Vermicidal
Kusthan: Useful in Skin diseases
Ruchikara: Improves taste
- Turmeric with its Pungent bitter taste, hot potency & dry quality causes alleviation of Kapha dosha.
- In mouth ulcers. gargling with it's decoction or taila is useful
- Turmeric cleanses mouth, absorbs excess moisture & purifies blood hence very useful in the diseases of throat tongue, lips.
- Turmeric is very useful in wounds. It purifies blood, absorbs secretions, pus & excess moisture of wound. Internally use of decoction prepared from turmeric with honey & externally for cleaning the wounds also turmeric is beneficial.
- As told earlier, turmeric absorbs excess secretions, moisture & alleviates kapha it clears the obstruction of respiratory passage & helps to sooth the condition.
- With it's bitter, pungent taste turmeric helps for proper formation of Rasa dhatu and also purifies blood. As per Ayurveda Rasa dhatu gives nutrition to all remaining dhatus and body. Which in turn helps in improving the individuals Immunity.
- Turmeric exhibits anti-inflammatory action so decoction of Triphala+Liquorice turmeric is the best remedy for gargling in tonsillitis.
- Tt's anti-inflammatory properties is also useful in other inflammatory conditions of URT or LRTI.
👉🏻 Dosage-
Powder: 2-4 gms
Juice: 10-20ml
Decoction: 50-100ml
👉🏻 Chemical composition -
Rhizome of Curcuma longa contains Volatile oil.
Zingiberaceae starch grains and Yellow coloring substances as Curcuminoids mainly curcumin.
👉🏻 Pharmacological Action -
👉🏻 Formulations & it's use :-
1.haridra churna - All skin Disease & allergies.
2. Haridra lepa - Arsh & kshudraroga.
3.haridradi kwatha - Prameha , sannipatik jwara & trishna.
4.haridra swarasa - Prameha & swasa.
5.haridradi ghrut - Kasa , pandu , vidradhi , hikka-swasa.
6.haridradi dhum-pana - Hikka swasa.
7.haridradi varti - Netra roga.
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