Monday, July 6, 2020

🔘 Guduchi


Botanical name:- Tinospora cordifolia

Family: Menispermaceae

Chakrangi,Chakralakshana -wheel-like appearance in transverse section of stem.
Chandrahasa -It refers to the moon like appearance of transversely cut stem.
Chinnaruha, Chinnodbhava -Regular growth of plant even if it is cut-off several times.
Jwarari, Jwaranashini -Useful against fever
Ayattha, Amravalli, Kundali, Guduchika, Jivantika, Tantrika, Devanirmita, Dhara, Nagakanyaka, Bhishakpriya, Madhuparni, Somavalli, Vayastha, etc.

Rasa panchaka:-
Rasa -Taste -Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter)
Vipaka -Taste conversion after digestion -Madhura -sweet
Guna -qualities -Laghu -Light to digest, Snigdha -Oily, Unctuous.
Veerya -Potency -Ushna -Hot
Effect on Tridosha –Doshatrayahara -Balances Tridoshas -Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Vayasthapana – group of rejuvenative herbs.
Daha prashamana – group of herbs that reduce burning sensation.
Trishna nigraha – group of herbs that mitigate excessive thirst.
Triptighna – that relieve early satiation.
Stanyashodhana – Group of herbs that cleanse breast milk.
Sushruta has classified this herb under – Guduchyadi, Patoladi, Valli Panchamoola, Kakolyadi and Aragvadhadi group of herbs.
Bhavaprakasha has grouped a set of herbs under Guduchi, called Guduchyadi group of herbs.

Part used:-
Most used part is stem. Almost all the pharmacies use stem of Guduchi. Leaves and areal roots are also used for medicinal purpose.

Guduchi Dosage: Stem powder -3 -6 grams per day, in divided dose
Water decoction -15 -60 ml per day, in divided dosage
There is a special extraction technique for Guduchi, called Guduchi Satva. It is useful in fever. 
The best way to consume giloy is by making its Kashayam (decoction).
For an adult – A tablespoon of Giloya powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and administered within 8 hours of preparation.

Guduchi is highly rich in anti oxidants. It has wound healing property, antipyretic (fever-reducing) and anti-viral properties.

Nutritional composition of Giloy:
Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese

Important Ayurvedic medicines with Guduchi as main ingredient:
Amritarishta– Extensively used in the treatment of fever.
Siva Gutika– used for a variety of diseases like liver and spleen disorders, respiratory conditions, etc
Guduchi Satva– used in Ayurvedic treatment of burning sensation of feet, bleeding diseases etc.
Mushalyadi Churna– It is used in aphrodisiac treatment and oligospermia

Home Remedies
Guduchi (dry herb powder or in its decoction (kashayam) form) along with Ghee (clarified butter) is useful in Vata imbalance disorders. – like arthritis.
Guduchi along with jaggery helps to relieve constipation.
Giloy in combination with sugar candy (unprocessed sugar) is helpful in Pitta imbalance disorders such as skin diseases, gastritis, dizziness, liver disorders etc.
Giloy along with castor oil is useful in relieving gout
Giloy along with ginger powder is useful in rheumatoid arthritis
For Pitta type of vomiting, associated with severe burning sensation, migrain, gastritis, water added with the powder of chanaka (Bengal gram) or Gavedhuka- root of Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia and kept to overnight can be given to the patient.

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